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Animal Abuse Cases - Details

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Dogfighting - (Fort Washington, MD - US)

Crime Date: 05/19/2003
Case Status: Alleged

  • John D'Angelo

    Case Report

    Police say an alleged dogfighting ring has been broken up in Prince George's County, Md., and the rescued dogs will most likely be put to sleep.

    Sheriff's deputies told News4 that they were searching for a man accused of assaulting his girlfriend, but when they searched a garage behind his house they found 10 pit bulls, which are illegal in Prince George's County and signs that dogfights had taken place.
    "It was a medium size garage and it was a square carpet area with green carpet," said Dep. Graciela Baker. "And right in the center was where all the blood was, and on the walls too."

    The dogs were transported to the county's animal shelter.

    Police said when 27-year-old John D'Angelo is found, he'll be charged with animal cruelty in addition to assault charges. Authorities who have spoken with the suspect said that D'Angelo has denied the dogfighting allegations and said the dogs belonged to his girlfriend.

    Because pit bulls are illegal in Prince George's County, authorities usually appeal to residents in neighboring counties to adopt them when they're found. County residents who own pit bulls face a $1,000 fine and up to 90 days in jail.

    Animal control officers said adoption for these dogs is impossible because the dogs have been trained to hurt other animals so they'll have to be euthanized.


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