If you're interested in learning more about the connection between animal cruelty and interpersonal violence, we recommend these books. We have recently expanded our book recommendations- for more books and videos, click here.
Cruelty to Animals and Interpersonal Violence: Readings in Research and Application
by Randall Lockwood
Cruelty to Animals and Interpersonal Violence presents in one volume historical, philosophical, and research sources that explore the maltreatment of animals and the ways people hurt each other. Diverse disciplines are represented among the readings, including psychology and psychiatry, criminology, social work, veterinary science, and anthropology. A bibliography of related books and articles is provided for readers who wish to pursue this topic in greater detail.
Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, and Animal Abuse: Linking the Circles of Compassion for Prevention and Intervention
by Frank Ascione, Phil Arkow
Evidence is mounting that animal abuse, frequently embedded in families scarred by domestic violence and child abuse and neglect, often predicts the potential for other violent acts. As early intervention is critical in the prevention and reduction of aggression, this book encourages researchers and professionals to recognize animal abuse as a significant problem and a human public-health issue that should be included as a curriculum topic in training. The book is an interdisciplinary sourcebook of original essays that examine the relations between animal maltreatment and human interpersonal violence, expand the scope of research in this growing area, and provide practical assessment and documentation strategies to help professionals confronting violence do their jobs better by attending to these connections.
Children And Animals: Exploring The Roots Of Kindness And Cruelty
by Frank R. Ascione
Animal Cruelty: Pathway to Violence Against People
by Linda Merz-Perez, Kathleen M. Heide
Also be sure to check out the many books and videos published by the Latham Foundation.