The statistics in the Abuse Database are available in full-color, real-time graphs. Click on the graph title from the list below for the real-time statistical graph.

Although our oldest case is from as far back as 1940, the vast majority of our cases are from the years 2000-present. Graphs represent U.S. cases only, unless otherwise stated.

Because there is quite a lot of information offered in some of the graph images, if you are on a slow Internet connection, they make take longer to load. Please be patient.

Yearly Reports

Text-based reportReport of Abuse Types (by year and/or state)
Text-based reportState Ranking by Cruelty Type (by year)
Text-based reportAnimal Mortality (by year and/or state)

Life Cycle of Abuse

Line graph reportAge Ranges
Line graph reportAge/Gender comparison
Line graph reportAge/Gender by Abuse Type

Types of Abuse/Case Status

Pie graph reportU.S. Types of abuse
Bar graph reportMost common animals by abuse type
Pie graph reportCase Status (overall and by abuse type)
Pie graph reportAbuse Types with documented child/elder neglect
Line graph reportFelony vs. Misdemeanor - 2000 through 2007

Offleash/Unconfined/Nuisance Animals

Pie graph reportPercentage of Retaliation Cases Involving Offleash/Unconfined Cats & Dogs
Pie graph reportAbuse Types Involving Offleash/Unconfined Cats & Dogs
Pie graph reportAbuse Types in Retaliation Cases Involving Offleash/Unconfined Cats & Dogs

Tethered Dogs

Pie graph reportTypes of Cruelty to Tethered Dogs
Pie graph reportTethering in Pit Bulls vs. Non-Pit Bulls
Pie graph reportCruelty Cases: Pit Bulls vs. Non-Pit Bulls


Pie graph reportAbuse Types in Cases Where Animal Was Intentionally Bound or Tied
Pie graph reportComparison: Animal was Abused by Owner/Caregiver
Pie graph reportReporting Parties
Pie graph reportAbuse Types in Cases Involving Drugs or Alcohol
Bar graph reportCases Added/Updated (by year)
Line graph reportCrimes by Year