Understanding the Annual Shark-Related Fatality Rate

Understanding the Annual Shark-Related Fatality Rate

Undoubtedly, sharks are one of the most aggressive and intimidating creatures on the earth. They can slice through the water using their sharp teeth and powerful jaws. While shark attacks or bites are rising yearly, millions of sharks are killed by humans, too.

Understanding the reason behind shark attacks is an essential step towards stopping these incidents from taking place. Humans’ invasion of these sharks’ habitat is a huge reason for these attacks.

In this blog, we have discussed the statistics, how to protect yourself, and the kinds of sharks most dangerous for the human race.

How Many Shark Attacks Are There Per Year?

How Many Shark Attacks Are There Per Year?

You might be wondering how many deaths from sharks per year, and here you can explore it in detail. According to the Florida Museum of Natural History’s International Shark Attack File report, there were 108 alleged shark-human interactions worldwide in 2022. In addition, ISAF confirmed that there were 57 unprovoked shark bites and 32 provoked bites on humans.

Unprovoked bites refer to incidents when a shark bites a human in the shark’s natural habitat, but there was no human provocation of the shark. On the other hand, provoked bites are those when humans initiate interaction with a shark. This can happen when trainers try to harass or touch them, or people try to remove hooks or fishing nets, and the sharks bite them.

In 2023, so far, there have been 37 unlucky people who have suffered shark attacks. These people either went scuba diving or surfing and snorkeling. Six of these attacks were fatal, and the other led to severe foot injuries. In the 21st century, the worst year of shark attacks has been 2015, when 111 innocent people were killed.

Where Do These Incidents Happen?

Most of the shark attacks happen in nearshore waters, that is, inshore of a sandbar or between sandbars. It is in these areas that sharks feed themselves or get stuck due to low tide. In areas where there are steep drop-offs, sharks congregate there for the availability of natural food items.

There are various places where shark attacks take place, starting from Australia to South Africa. The ISAF reports say that the US tops the chart of confirmed unprovoked cases of shark bites. Since 1580, there have been 1604 incidents of shark attacks so far in the US.

Australia recorded a total of 143 attacks in the time frame of 2012 to 2021. In Hawaii, South Carolina, North Carolina, and California, accidents happen every year.

Which U.S. States Have the Most Attacks?

According to ISAF, the US records the maximum number of unprovoked shark bites in the year 2022, which has 41 confirmed cases. In 2021, this count was 41. For years now, Florida has been topping the chart of most shark attacks in the US.

Volusia County in Florida has recorded the maximum number of shark bites of 7, representing 44% of the state’s total. Monroe, Pinellas, Brevard, Palm Beach, Nassau, and Martin are other places in Florida that experienced shar bites.

Following is a table that shows in detail the number of unprovoked shark bite cases in the US:

U.S. State






New York









South Carolina



North Carolina












When Do Shark Attacks Happen?

When Do Shark Attacks Happen?

Certain factors determine when shark attacks can take place. Given below is a list of factors that you should consider to decide when shark attacks can happen:

  • Shark attacks mostly occur in shallow water.
  • The timings mostly vary from 11 am and 7 pm.
  • Shark bites are possible anytime during dusk and dawn and throughout the night.
  • Shark attacks are common in nearshore waters, typically inside or between sandbars. Sharks feed in these places and can get trapped here during low tide.
  • Steep drop-offs are areas where sharks can congregate since they get natural food items in these places.
  • People bleeding from open wounds or menstruation can be an attraction for sharks.
  • Sharks have a competitive sensory advantage during darkness and twilight, so they are most active.
  • Wearing shiny jewelry and bright clothes can be an attraction for sharks.
  • Murky water and areas with waste dumps are places of attraction for sharks.

Why Do They Happen?

Sharks are one of the most feared creatures in the world due to their reputation for being dangerous and aggressive. But the truth is that their attack on humans is relatively rare. However, to stop this completely, it is essential to understand why these attacks happen and scientists are doing their part.

All shark bites are a result of an attack. The most common reason for shark bites is sharks’ curiosity of misunderstanding a human for their prey. These bites can be less fatal, but taking precautions is equally important. Given below are some common reasons why shark attacks can happen.

1. Curious and The Tendency to Investigate

Sharks are known for being curious creatures, and when they come across unfamiliar objects, including humans, they try to investigate them. This is mostly seen in younger sharks still learning about their surroundings. There are cases where they bite a human while exploring their surroundings. Nonetheless, as soon as the sharks realize they are not the prey, they release the human being.

2. Climate Change and Overfishing

The rise in water temperatures and ocean acidification hugely impacts the distribution and behavior of sharks. Also, overfishing has hugely impacted the shark population. Sharks have been moving closer to the shores to get hold of food, and it has naturally increased shark-human interactions.

3. Surfing and Swimming

Human-shark interaction has also increased due to surfing and swimming in the oceans. Sharks get triggered by splashing and movement in the water by people, increasing the risk of shark attacks. Sharks naturally explore their surroundings using their mouths.

4. Hunting and Misunderstanding for Prey

This is another reason for shark attacks, where they might mistake humans for their natural prey. These cases are high in murky water or low light conditions. It is best that humans avoid going to these places.

Which Sharks are Most Dangerous to Humans?

Which Sharks are Most Dangerous to Humans?

Even though not all sharks are dangerous, one should be careful when getting in the water. Around 500+ species of sharks, and more are yet to be discovered. However, the following are some of the most aggressive shark species in the world.

1. Great White Sharks

These sharks are the most aggressive in the world and have a record of attacking 333 humans. Out of these, 52 were fatal cases/ they used their jaws as weapons to kill humans. They are responsible for approximately one-third to half of the cases of shark attacks yearly. They feed on dolphins, seals, sea turtles, and other water creatures. They have thousands of sharp teeth similar to razors that can cause fatal bites.

2. Tiger Sharks

The next dangerous shark species is the tiger shark. They have dark stripes on their body, which fades as they grow old. Their size ranges from 10 to 14 feet, where females are bigger than males. They have a record of attacking 138 humans, among which 36 were fatal. They are known as ocean trash since they eat almost anything they get.

3. Bull Sharks

Bull sharks are found off the East Coast and in the Gulf of Mexico in the United States. They are very aggressive sharks, which humans should be cautious of. You will also find them in freshwater, where they can easily access humans. While females grow up to 11 feet, males can grow up to 7 feet in length. They have attacked 117 humans, of which 25 were fatal.

4. Blacktip Sharks

The next set of sharks are blacktip sharks found throughout the year in the Gulf of Mexico and Florida. They prefer to live in clear, shallow water. They swim straight to objects they think are a threat to them. Also, they use the technique of sideways biting motions to protect themselves. Even though they are not considered dangerous, there have been 41 human attacks till now.

5. Sand Sharks

Sand tiger sharks, or grey nurse sharks, are found near the ocean floor. They have strong smelling abilities, which a human should be aware of. Their hunting habits are unique and are active only during the night. Even though they do not target humans as their prey, there have been 36 attacks by sand sharks alone.

6. Great Hammerhead Shark

These sharks are known for having small mouths, eyes on the sides, and their head in the shape of a hammer. They feed on bony fish, squid, crabs, sea catfish, and other water creatures. Even though they are considered one of the most dangerous sharks, humans are not their natural prey. There have been 16 shark attacks by them, none of which are fatal.

The Comparative Risk of Being Attacked by a Shark

The Comparative Risk of Being Attacked by a Shark

Regarding the odds of being killed by a shark, it is essential to consider other bigger reasons for death. Shark attacks are surely scary and dangerous, but they are very rare. International Shark Attack File mentions that the chance of being killed by a shark is about 1 in 11.5 million, which is a relief. There are more severe reasons for death, like lightning strikes, drowning, falling, gunshots, and many more.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, drowning causes almost 10 deaths yearly in the United States. The Skin Cancer Foundation reports that 1 in 5 Americans are affected by skin cancer by age 70. Stroke causes 1 in 20 deaths in the United States. Similarly, there are more fatal reasons other than shark attacks for human death.

How to Avoid an Encounter with a Shark

How to Avoid an Encounter with a Shark

If you are swimming in the ocean, it is quite natural that you will come across sharks. But knowing how to avoid such encounters is what matters. As mentioned by experts, you should try your best to stay calm, avoid panicking, and move back slowly to the shore.

Following are some tips you should strictly follow to avoid shark attacks or any encounter with them:

  • Always stay in a group and avoid swimming alone. Sharks are more likely to attack those swimming solitarily.
  • Ensure you are not wearing shiny jewelry or clothes since the light reflection can indicate fish scales to them.
  • Do not veneer the water if bleeding from an open wound or on your period. Sharks are easily attracted to blood.
  • Avoid splashing too much water since it can attract sharks.
  • Keep a distance from murky areas in water that probably have sharks inhabiting them.
  • Sharks are most active during dawn, dusk, and at night. So, make sure you do not go to the waters as they cannot be seen properly
  • Also, ensure you are not throwing your hands in all directions and do not provoke a shark.

What to Do If You are Attacked

Sharks rarely attack, but it can be quite fatal when they do. Scientists say that sharks do not attack humans to eat them but to explore what kind of a creature it is. While it is advised not to go to areas where sharks are present, one should also know how to handle them and save their life.

1. Keep Looking at The Shark

Sharks have various methods of attacking. They can swim right up and attack or come in circles before attacking. At times, they can also attack you from behind. For this, you need to know exactly where the shark is present so that you take the required precautions.

2. Avoid Making Sudden Movements and Stay Calm

Another essential thing to remember is that you should not be splashing water; rather, try to move towards the shore. Also, do not block their path in any way, as they can plunge on you anytime. Also, do not show your back to them. It would be best if you kept looking at them.

3. Hit the Face and Grills of The Shark

Shark’s grills, eyes, and nose are the vulnerable body parts you should target when attacked. Make use of a pole or a sharp object to scare them away. Fight with your fists, knees, feet, or elbows to attack the sharks. Also, remember they have rough and sharp skin, so be cautious of that when fighting them.

4. Get out Of the Water

If you find the shark leaving after a fight, do not take the risk of staying in the water. Make sure to leave the place immediately and move to the shore. Get on a boat, if any, or swim quickly to the shore, but remember to keep it smooth.

5. Get Immediate Medical Help

If the shark has already bitten you, seek immediate medical aid. You can lose massive blood, so getting the wound treated is important. Even if your wound is minor, do not hesitate to get it treated. Stay calm, as getting stronger could cause faster blood pumping.


As discussed, shark attacks are uncommon, but taking precautions is always the best idea. Shark attacks in the United States concern the common population, but the government takes various measures to avoid such situations. If visiting a beach, it is always advised that you go in groups and follow the instructions provided to stay safe at all times.

Knowing about the common species of dangerous sharks and their habitats helps avoid the places. Sharks are a part of the ecosystem; treating them well is every human’s duty. Scientists are still working on the psychology behind shark attacks, but until then, one needs to be careful.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Species of Sharks are Mostly Responsible for Attacking Humans?

Three shark species are mainly responsible for shark attacks. Bull, great white, and tiger sharks are the three species that attack humans the most.

What Should You Do if You Come Across Sharks in The Water?

If you see a shark in the water, you should stay calm and avoid sudden movements. Move back to the shore slowly and smoothly. Refrain from panicking or thrashing around since this will attract the shark’s attention towards you.

What to Do if a Shark Bites Me?

When bitten by a shark, your primary focus should be to get out of the place to a safe zone. Once you reach the shore, seek immediate medical aid. Shark bites can be severe. Thus, you might need stitches and wound cleaning.

Are Shark Attacks More Common During Specific Months?

Shark attacks can occur at any time of the year, depending on the region and local environmental conditions. Warmer water temperature and increased activity of humans near the beach can be some of the reasons.

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