A Closer Look at The Largest Insect in The World

A Closer Look at The Largest Insect in The World

Have you ever wondered which is the largest insect in the world? The insect world comprises some of the most fascinating species that help protect the ecosystem. They come in different shapes, sizes, and forms and makeup half of living organisms. In the paleozoic era, dragonfly-like bugs, also referred to as griffin-flies, were the largest insects that ever existed on the Earth. But as the oxygen level decreased, the air pipes and bodies of the insects shrunk to adapt to the changing environment.

You’ll still find some of the massive insects on Earth, including beetles, giant butterflies, and stick insects. These multi-legged bugs will amaze you, scare you, and take your love for nature and the insect world to new heights. These sneaky mega bugs are often found in cool places like inside logs, under rocks, and burrowed beneath the earth.

Let’s look at them to broaden your knowledge about the animal kingdom. 

All You Need to Know About the Largest Insects in The World

All You Need to Know About the Largest Insects in The World

The insect world has always been a source of amazement for humans because of their sheer variety and unique characteristics. While some insects are so small that you can’t see them with your eyes, some are so big that you might get freaked out if you spot them accidentally. The insects were much bigger around 317 to 247 million years ago as the oxygen was present in an abundant amount on the Earth. But as the oxygen level decreased, the air pipes and bodies of these insects shrank in size. 

Today, you’ll find a variety of insects in the world with different body shapes, colors, and sizes. They help to make foodstuffs like honey and beeswax, pollinate plants, and can be used in medicines. Some of these insects are the biggest in the world and can freak out even seasoned entomologists with their unique appearance and shape. From the Titan Beetle, which can grow up to 6.9 inches in length, to the Atlas Moth, known to be the largest in the world, the biggest insects are the amazing creations of God, and our lives won’t be complete without them. 

Top Largest Insects in The World

1. Titan Beetle

Titan Beetle

With up to 6.6 inches in length, the Titan Beetle is known to be one of the largest insects in the world. Their horn-like protrusion measures about half of their entire body length. It has been estimated that the titan beetle larvae can grow up to 1 foot long and 2 inches wide. They look like cockroaches, but they belong to the longhorn beetle group that has clever reproductive strategies and frightening defense mechanisms. They can’t fly from the ground directly as they are very heavy. Like large adult insects, these enormous beetles use their sensing air chemicals and flight abilities to find mates. They have large eyes made up of thousands of hexagonal facets. Titan beetles are mostly found in the Amazon rainforests.

2. Atlas Moth

Atlas Moth

The list of the largest insects in the world won’t be complete without Atlas Moth. Their total surface area is around 62 square inches, and their massive wingspans are wider than a human hand. The tips of their wings are like a snake’s head, and they mostly use it to scare away predators. They are found in Asia, China, Bangladesh, Hong Kong, Cambodia, India, Laos, Nepal, Malaysia and Taiwan. They have a great defense mechanism and can spray an irritant secretion from up to twenty inches away into the eyes of the threatening birds. Adult atlas moths have a tiny proboscis, and their mouths are not fully formed, because of which they do not eat anything. 

3. Giant Wetas

Giant Wetas

Giant Wetas are the oldest inhabitants of Earth. They have been known to reside on Earth even before the dinosaurs. They are one of the largest insects that can even outweigh a mouse with their weight. They are the heaviest insects in the world, weighing up to 2.5 ounces. Giant Wetas are only found in New Zealand, so you might not spot them easily, unlike the other insects. Because of their heavy weight, they can’t fly. Like other insects, they don’t have lungs and breathe through their exoskeleton. They are close to extinction because of predators like cats and rats. In the Maori language, they are also known as demons because of their scary appearance. 

4. Stick Insects

Stick Insects

If you’re wondering about the longest insects on Earth, then you must take a look at the Stick Insects. From the Timema Cristinae of North America, which is around half an inch long, to the Phobaeticus Kirby of Borneo, which can grow up to 13 inches, stick insects come in different shapes and sizes. With their legs outstretched, they usually measure over 21 inches, making them one of the longest insects in the world. The title of the longest stick insects belongs to the genus Phobaeticus, including the Phobaeticus chani and Phobaeticus serratipes species. Most of the stick insects have spectacularly beautiful wings. They are known for their bizarre twig-like appearance that helps them hide from their predators. They are nocturnal and spend most of their time hidden under plants. Like butterflies, their carcasses are farmed, threatening their survival. 

5. Tarantula Hawks

Tarantula Hawks

Belonging to a species of spider wasp, Tarantula Hawks are known to be the largest insects on the planet. They are around 2 inches long, making them the largest parasitoid wasps. The Pepsis pulszkyi species is known to be the world’s largest wasp and largest tarantula hawk, reaching up to 2.7 inches in length. They have a 4.5-inch wingspan and can make even the biggest spiders run away from them in terror. They have the most painful sting in the world, so you must beware of them. You should never provoke them, or else they can be ferocious. Adult Tarantula Hawks eat sugar-rich nectar from western soapberry trees, milkweed flowers, or mesquite trees.

6. Giant Water Bugs

Giant Water Bugs

Found in freshwater habitats worldwide, Giant Water Bugs are fierce aquatic predators. They may look cute, but in reality, they are ferocious and can cause the most painful bug-related injury to humans. All water bugs are not enormous. One of their families, alligator ticks, can reach the length of the largest beetle in the world. Alligator ticks are 4.7 inches long, making them one of the largest insects in the world. They also claim the title of being the largest aquatic insects in the world. They are found in a lake or shallow pond, most commonly in America. Giant water bugs are hungry predators who hunt for small fish, tadpoles, snails, and insects while in the water. 

7. Goliath Beetles

Goliath Beetles

The unusual markings and vivid colors of Goliath Beetles make them one of the most majestic insects in the world. They weigh up to 2 ounces and are more than 4 inches long. They are most commonly found in Africa’s tropical forests, and their unusually patterned black-and-white bodies make them stand out from the other insects. One of the most interesting facts about these creatures is that in the larval stage, they are heavier, with a weight of around 3.5 ounces. They are also the strongest and can lift over eight hundred times their body weight. Due to the beautiful appearance and docile nature of Goliath Beetles, many people prefer to keep them as pets. 

8. Mydas Fly

Mydas Fly

Mydas Fly is known to be one of the largest flies on the planet, reaching up to 2.4 inches in length. Their wingspan is around 3 inches, giving them an intimidating appearance. Due to their resemblance to wasps, they are considered harmful to humans, but it is not true. They are harmless by nature and do not sting or bite. They keep your garden pest-free and are most active in the summer. Adult Madas flies can be seen everywhere, from gardens to forests, parks, and meadows. They drink nectar and feed on caterpillars and other insects. Mydas Flies are beneficial garden bugs that protect plants by feeding on harmful garden pests like mosquitoes and aphids. They live in temperate climates and are native to North America. 

9. Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing

Queen Alexandra's Birdwing

Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing holds the title of being the largest butterfly in the world. It is also the rarest insect on the planet. Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing is present in a limited number in Papua New Guinea’s remote regions. Female Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing has a 10-inch wingspan and looks very beautiful. The males are smaller but more colorful and vibrant. Because these butterflies are rarely seen, they are very expensive, and collectors pay a huge amount to buy them. The locals of Papua New Guinea eat the larvae of the birdwing butterfly. Unlike the other butterflies that only live for a month, Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing has a lifespan of three months. 

10. Giant Longhorn Beetle

Giant Longhorn Beetle

Giant Longhorn Beetle is known to be the largest insect in the world with extremely long antennae. Their antennae are longer than their bodies, and they use it to sense smell. They are most commonly found in Argentina, French Guiana, Colombia, Guyana, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago. The dull brownish color of these beetles allows them to camouflage on the bark of trees easily. Local tribes on Viti Levu Island in Fiji consider the larvae of the Giant Longhorn Beetle sacred, and only the high chief of the village is allowed to consume it. 

11. European Stag Beetle

European Stag Beetle

With up to 10 cm of body length, the European Stag Beetle is known to be the largest insect in the world. They have chestnut brown wingcases and a shiny black head. They use their long-front mandibles to attract females and scare away their enemies. Their larvae have brown jaws and an orange head, and their stomach content can be seen through their lower half skin. Once larvae grow fully, they leave the rotting wood and build a cocoon in the soil. They are on the verge of extinction due to destroying their natural habitats. 

12. Atlas Beetle

Atlas Beetle

Named after the Greek Titan Atlas, who could hold up the entire Earth on his shoulders, Atlas Beetles are the strongest creatures on the planet. They can lift 850 times their body weight, all thanks to their powerful jaws. They can grow up to 5 inches in length, making them one of the biggest beetles in the world. Like other scarab beetles, they have oval-shaped and robust bodies, with an exoskeleton protecting them. Their horns have a broad end, helping them differentiate from their other close relatives. They are mainly present in the subtropical and tropical rainforests of Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines. 

13. Giant Burrowing Cockroach

Giant Burrowing Cockroach

The Giant Burrowing Cockroach is also known as the King of Cockroaches due to its massive size. It is the largest cockroach species in the world, with a horn-like protrusion. The males’ horns are larger than the females, and they primarily use them to fight with the enemies. Giant Burrowing Cockroaches can grow up to 3.5cm wide and 8 cm long. They are native to Australia and are most commonly found in the eastern states, such as New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, and Victoria. Their body color ranges from black to dark brown, and they have a tough exoskeleton that protects them from environmental stresses and predators. Even though they have wings, they cannot fly because of their massive weight and size. 

14. Actaeon Beetle

Actaeon Beetle

Actaeon Beetle got its name from the hero of Greek mythology, Actaeon, who was transformed into a stag. They are a type of rhinoceros beetle known to be the heaviest insects in the world. These beetles have tarsal claws and strong legs. Males have forward-pointing short appendages and a small-sized tooth. The females do not have horns, and their pronotum is rough and wrinkled. They are commonly found in South America, including Panama, Peru, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, Colombia, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, and Venezuela.

15. Chinese Praying Mantis

Chinese Praying Mantis

Chinese Praying Mantis is known to be the predator of the insect world. They are bright green and rely on other insects for food and nutrition. They can grow up to 7 inches long and are known to be the largest insects in the world. Their name comes from the prayer-like position they form with their forearms folded whenever they are stationary. They use their prominent forelegs for gripping and catching prey. They have a lifespan of around one year, and they die when it’s too cold. 

Which is the Largest Insect in The World

Which is the Largest Insect in The World

The largest insects in the world can differ depending on the species, length, and weight of these creatures. While Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing holds the title of being the largest butterfly in the world, the Giant Burrowing Cockroach is the largest cockroach on the planet.  Stick Insects are the heaviest insect in the world, weighing up to 2.5 ounces.


The animal kingdom is full of amazing species that have always captured the attention of humans. It comprises many insects known for their massive size, heavy body, and immense strength. From Giant Wetas to Titan Beetle and Atlas Moth, the insect world is dotted with the largest creatures that may look intimidating to humans at first glance.

If you’re curious to know what is the largest insect in the world, you can check out the above-mentioned detailed list. From the largest butterflies to the biggest wasps and heaviest insects, this list comprises the details of all the biggest insects in the world. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is the Biggest Butterfly in The World?

Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing holds the title of being the largest butterfly in the world with a 10-inch wingspan. They are also the rarest insects on the planet.

Which are the Heaviest Insects in The World?

Giant Wetas are the heaviest insects in the world, weighing up to 2.5 ounces. They are also the oldest inhabitants of Earth known to reside on the planet, even before the dinosaurs.

Which are the Largest Aquatic Insects in The World?

Alligator ticks of the Giant Water Bugs family are the largest aquatic insects in the world. They are 4.7 inches long, making them one of the largest aquatic insects in the world.

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