Case Details

Deplorable conditions at city animal shelter
Gardner, MA (US)

Date: Feb 4, 2001
Disposition: Alleged
Case Images: 1 files available

Alleged Abuser: Arthur F LeBlanc, III

Case ID: 154
Classification: Neglect / Abandonment
Animal: dog (non pit-bull)
View more cases in MA (US)
Suspect was in animal welfare field
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West Gardner's city animal shelter has been closed and LeBlanc age 34, the animal control officer relieved of his duties after a Rottweiler was found dead and half-eaten, along with other injured and hungry animals living in filth.

The alternate animal control officer Anne Eddy became involved when Audrey Illhardt, who visited the shelter regularly, became concerned that the dogs were getting thinner. Illhardt arranged to adopt one of the dogs, but when she and Eddy went to the shelter, LeBlanc brought the dog out and would not allow them inside. Eddy then returned with Margaret Bennett, the animal control officer in Ashburnham, who had a key to the shelter. Once the two women saw the conditions inside the shelter and made the horrific discovery, called police to the shelter on Sunday, February 4th, 2001. The Mayor, Daniel J. Kelley and Police Chief Rock Barrieau were called to shelter and immediately closed the shelter and relieved LeBlanc of his duties, after notifying Health Agent Bernard Sullivan. LeBlanc then turned in his resignation.

The Health Agent said he visited the shelter about three weeks ago and conditions were adequate but it now appears that no cleaning had been done since his last visit.

The other dogs had cannibalized the Rottweiler. All that was left of the dog was a partially eaten head face, spinal column and paws.

The only water found was that from a drip from a heater that had broken and the filth covered the walls, dishes and the floor of the shelter. There were 2 dozen dogs in the shelter.

All the dogs are under veterinary care and are expected to survive. One puppy had a bite on its foot and other dogs had various illnesses and bite marks indicating they would most likely have suffered the same fate as the Rottweiler. Some of the dogs have been taken to the Sterling Animal Shelter for recuperation. The Animal Rescue League has taken the rest.

The Gardner Police filed six counts of cruelty to animals and two counts of willful neglect on Monday, February 12th. The case had been under investigation for about a week before the charges were filed. LeBlanc was the former dog officer in Hubbardston and Templeton, MA and became Gardner's animal control officer in 1998.


The Worcester Telegram 2/6/01
The Boston Herald 2/7/01 & 2/13/01
The Associated Press 2/12/01

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