Dog-fighting - 11 dogs seized Richmond, VA (US)Incident Date: Saturday, Jun 20, 2009 County: Richmond City
Charges: Felony CTA Disposition: Alleged
Alleged: » Richard Edmond Antonio Robinson » Ardeller Morris
Upcoming Court Dates: » Thursday, Jul 30, 2009
Case Updates: 1 update(s) available
Richmond Police have seized 11 dogs from a home on Wright Avenue and charged a mother and son with animal cruelty and dog fighting.
"My brother is a good person and he wasn't involved in any type of dog ring or dog fighting activity or anything like that," says family member Connie Robinson.
Ardeller Morris and her son Richard Robinson are behind bars and charged with animal cruelty.
Morris faces three counts of animal cruelty and one count of promoting or allowing dog fighting.
Robinson is facing more that 13 charges, which include animal cruelty and promoting or engaging in dog fighting.
Robinson's sister is shocked.
"He stopped that a long time ago, being involved in any kind of criminal activity with dogs when he was originally prosecuted for that about three years ago."
Robinson claims the dogs were all in good health and says the family plans to hire a lawyer before heading to court.
"It's my mom and my brother your talking about people, that all they do is mind their business they don't get involved in nobody's else stuff. My mother never been involved in any type of trouble they are going to take my mother and do this to my mom."
Case UpdatesRichard Robinson was supposed to have a bond hearing today, but the case was continued until July. He will remain behind bars until then.
The South Richmond man and his mother, Ardeller Morris, were arrested Friday at their home on Wright Avenue. Animal control officers also seized a dozen dogs.
Both mother and son are due back in court on July 30th.
Robinson remains behind bars, Morris is free on bond. | Source: CBS6 - Jun 22, 2009 Update posted on Jun 24, 2009 - 12:36PM |
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