Animal Abuse Cases - Details |
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Repeatedly throwing kitten, leading to its death - (Palm Springs, CA - US) Crime Date: 10/23/2003 Case Status: Convicted Case Updates: Available - Click Here Abusers/Suspects:
Name Undisclosed Name Undisclosed Name Undisclosed Name Undisclosed Name Undisclosed
Case ReportFive juveniles were arrested at a local mobile home Park on 10/23/03 after witnesses said they tortured a small kitten When they arrived, police did locate a dead kitten.
According to the juveniles statements, one juvenile had located a small kitten and placed it into a bag. Then along with two other juveniles began throwing the bagged kitten over a mobile home onto the ground, against a wall of the mobile home. They stated they were going to hit it with a stick, "baseball" style, but did not because they realized they were being watched.
The juveniles, who were not named because of their ages, were booked on suspicion of animal cruelty and released to their parents, the Palm Springs Police Department reported.
Officers responded to the Golden Sands Mobile Home Park on East San Rafael Drive at 5:56 p.m. where witnesses reported seeing eight children put a kitten inside a plastic bag and throw it into the air several times -- letting it hit the ground each time it fell.
The kitten was found dead inside a plastic bag and a necropsy conducted by the Animal Shelter determined the cause of death to be trauma to the head and internal organs, police said.
Case Updates
Posted: Sep 25, 2004 - 5:12 AM
Ultimately, three of the five boys were charged in the case, said Detective Nelson Figueroa of the Palm Springs Police Department.
The three boys -- two 15-year-olds and one 13-year-old -- all received formal probation for varying lengths of time and all must undergo counseling, he said.
Two of them became wards of the court and could remain as such until they turn 18.
The boy deemed most responsible received 30 days in juvenile hall and must complete 50 hours of community service, Figueroa said.
The others received community service as well and none of them are allowed to own or be around an animal.
The Desert Sun
Posted: Feb 29, 2004 - 3:51 PM
Three of the juveniles were convicted on 2/24/04 of animal cruelty. Two of the juveniles were sentenced to formal probation, 2 years, and counseling. The third juvenile, who started everything, was sentenced to Juvenile hall then 2 years probation and counseling. |
References The Desert Sun - Oct 25, 2003REPORT #032960035 Palm Springs Police, CASuperior Court, Juvenile Division, Riverside County, CA The Desert Sun - Sept 6, 2004