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Two puppies abandoned - (Palm Springs, CA - US) Crime Date: 11/09/2004 Case Status: Open Abusers/Suspects: *Suspect(s) Unknown - Need your help!
Case ReportA pair of puppies were dumped along the side of Highway 74, in the San Bernardino Mountains near Idyllwild. The puppies, named Dylan and Ryder, survived several nights in freezing temperatures, living among wild animals after someone abandoned.
Dylan and Ryder are Australian shepherd/Queensland mix pups. The caregivers here at Living Free say they think Dylan and Ryder are about five months old. Dylan was found with this wire wrapped around his neck.
Danette Grady of the Living Free Animal Sanctuary says she can't understand why someone would place a wire around his neck, but says it was obviously intentional. It was a clothes hanger twisted tightly around him.
So for now the caregivers are focusing on getting their newest additions, Dylan and Ryder, back to good health. But they say these two puppies will be ready for a loving home by early December.
If you are interested in giving Dylan or Ryder a home, you can contact the Living Free Sanctuary at (951) 659-4687. References KESQ - Nov 12, 2004