Animal Abuse Cases - Details |
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Puppies caged under cruel conditions - (Rancho Palos Verdes, CA - US) Crime Date: 07/00/1996 Case Status: Convicted Abusers/Suspects:
Edward Shimko
Case ReportEdward Shimko, 66, pet dealer who kept 26 puppies caged in horrendous conditions at his Rancho Palos Verdes home pleaded guilty to a felony charge of animal cruelty and paid $10,000 for the animals' medical bills.
If Shimko had not paid, he could face a trial that would have resulted in conviction and a prison term.
As part of plea, he also pleaded guilty to single counts of improper confinement of animals and improper veterinary care.
Judge Rogert F. Mallano put him on three years' probation, ordered him to stay out of the pet business and gave animal control officers the right to search his home without a warrant.
Shimko originally faced 126 counts of animal cruelty and grand theft and a possible six years in prison.
References The Daily Breeze - July 27, 1996