Two puppies beaten to death - (Palmdale, CA - US) Crime Date: 03/00/2001 Case Status: Convicted Abusers/Suspects:
David Wood
Case ReportDavid Wood, 49, to be sentenced to 90 days in jail and five years probation for beating to death two puppies. A neighbor reported she saw Wood beating one of the puppies.
When Animal Care and Control workers visited Wood's home they found two injured male puppies in his house. Both of the puppies were put to sleep because of their severe injuries.
Wood was charged with two counts of cruelty to animals and one count of failure to care properly for an animal.
Wood wanted to accept a plea bargain offered by the district attorney's office which allowed him to plead no contest to the animal cruelty charge. During the process of explaining the motions of asking Wood to waive his rights to trial and call witnesses in his defense, it became clear that Wood did not understand what was being said to him.
Finally, the lawyers and Wood agreed to a bench trial. Superior Judge Howard Swart read the police report on Wood; no defense was presented; and Swart found Wood guilty. Wood will be formally sentenced on April 13, 2001.
It was decided Wood will not be able to keep any animals as part of the sentence - not even a goldfish.
References Antelope Valley Press, Palmdale CA - Mar 28, 2001
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