Animal Abuse Case Database - Case DetailsPuppy's throat slashed: |
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Herschel Bernerd, now 19, of Oroville who pleaded no contest to a felony animal cruelty charge was sentenced to jail for 30 days, ordered to continue psychological counseling and 200 hours of community service in a local animal shelter, to in the judge's words, "try to develop empathy for another living creature."
In January 2000 Bernerd retrieved a knife from his truck, using it to slit the puppy's throat after calling the animal to him near the agricultural building just across the street from the main Las Plumas High School campus.
Bernerd, the former high school senior, apologized to the dog's owner and other students affected by his actions. He said, "If I could to back and change what I did ... I certainly would do so."
Students told the police they followed a blood trail to where the puppy a 5-month old Australian shepherd named "Nalla," had collapsed and died.
The case had been pending for months so the court could obtain a psychological evaluation to try and determine why the high school senior killed the puppy.
One doctor reportedly quoted Bernerd as telling him the puppy was "mangy" and that he had "put it out of its misery."
Butte County Superior Court Judge Gerald Hermansen said such "flimsey" excuses did not account for what he called this "vicious .... almost unspeakable and senseless act."
Bernard was placed on three years probation, with the specific condition he continue with his weekly psychological counseling.
The owner of the slain puppy, told reporters she had gotten the animal at three weeks old as a companion for her oldest son, who is now 17.
She said her son was devastated by the dog's death and won't return to Las Plumas or graduate with his classmates. The dog's owner said, "There were more victims than just this little puppy."
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