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Case ID: 4905
Classification: Poisoning
Animal: cat
View more cases in WI (US)
Animal was offleash or loose
Abuse was retaliation against animal's bad behavior
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Two cats poisoned to death
Madison, WI (US)

Incident Date: Thursday, Jun 23, 2005
County: Dane

Disposition: Alleged
Case Images: 3 files available

Alleged: Myrtle Clara Maly

Myrtle Clara Maly, a 76-year-old Wisconsin woman, was arrested for poisoning her neighbor's cats after the animals came into her backyard and attacked some birds. Maly, charged with two felony animal mistreatment raps, admitted to Madison cops that she placed d-Con rodent killer into a can of cat food and set the food out for Tiger and Tangerine, neighbor Robert Yu's felines. While Maly told investigators she only intended to sicken, not kill, the cats, she did not appear troubled about their demise, according to the criminal complaint. "When I find these little feathers, I've had it. I love animals, but he drove me to it," she told a detective. "I have a good feeling because the birds are happy now." Maly, who said she resorted to the poison after getting no help from animal control authorities, faces three years in jail if convicted.


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