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Case ID: 4928
Classification: Shooting
Animal: dog (non pit-bull)
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Dog shot to death
San Antonio, TX (US)

Incident Date: Tuesday, Jun 28, 2005
County: Bexar

Disposition: Open

Suspect(s) Unknown - We need your help!

A dog was found shot to death in its own front yard on June 28. The owner heard the entire thing happen, near the corner of Goliad and Montrose, on the southeast side.

"Somebody just walked up and shot her."

Margia Dubose can't believe it. Dallas, her 2-year-old Border Collie, was shot dead in her front yard in broad daylight.

"I'll never forget the look on her face when she looked at me. She's like mama, help me please," said Dubose.

Margia says she and a friend were inside the house. She let her dogs go outside for a minute, she heard them bark, and then she heard a single gunshot.

Then she says she saw two people take off running down Montrose.

Dubose has filed animal cruelty charges with police, but right now she's just concerned about her other dogs.

She says this isn't the first time this has happened. She's lost three dogs in the past year.

Margia thinks her other dogs were poisoned, but she's not sure. News her neighbors don't want to hear.

"I'm gonna walk my dog like I normally do and just bring it back inside everytime. I don't want my dog shot up," said John Price.

Margia says she has four other dogs. But for her, with all her children grown now, these are her kids.

If you have any information on who might have done this, call animal cruelty investigators. Their number is 207-6664.

If you have information on this case, please contact:


  • WOAI - June 28, 2005

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