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Case ID: 4961
Classification: Stabbing, Hanging
Animal: dog (pit-bull)
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Pit-bull stabbed and hanged to death
Albuquerque, NM (US)

Incident Date: Friday, Jul 1, 2005
County: Bernalillo

Disposition: Open

Suspect(s) Unknown - We need your help!

A pit bull was found stabbed and hung in a tree outside a community center in Albuquerque on the morning of July 1. Animal services was called at 6 a.m. to the Cesar Chavez Community Center. They arrived to find a female pit bull hanging about two feet from the ground in a tree across from the community center.

The female pit bull had been stabbed in the chest, hanged, and left to die.

Animal services say the dog was dead and covered in blood when they arrived. They believe the dog was hung alive.

"The individual that did this is very sick and needs some help, this type of crime is very heinous. This was a living being that had its life taken with complete disregard," says animal services Lt. Joel Craig.

Right now police are going through surveillance video from the Cesar Chavez Community Center, hoping they can find the person who killed the dog.

The dog was removed before children arrived for summer camps at the center.

Animal services say this is a serious crime and that the person responsible will face felony charges.


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