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Case ID: 4992
Classification: Neglect / Abandonment
Animal: dog (non pit-bull)
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Three dogs, eight puppies abandoned in filth
Metcalfe, KY (US)

Incident Date: Thursday, Jun 30, 2005
County: Metcalfe

Disposition: Not Charged

Abuser names unreleased

Three adult dogs and eight puppies were seized from an abandoned house with no water. According to a local vet, the puppies were lethargic, dehydrated, and in need of medical attention.

Dr. Shantila Rexroat says, "The sheriff called me to the premises and I was mainly interested in a block building that really stunk." She says when she got to the building she saw one of the worst cases of animal cruelty she'd ever seen.

Dr. Rexroat says, "I entered the building and found six dogs that couldn't get out of their crates, hadn't been out of their crates in a long time. They were standing in inches of their own bowel movement."

She says the little water the dogs had was sludge and many of them didn't have any food. When she looked closer she saw something worse.

Dr. Rexroat says, "There were maggots around all the cages. There were maggots everywhere."

When Dr. Rexroat heard barking and puppies whining inside the trailer on the property she went in to find even more dogs being neglected.

Dr. Shannon Campbell says, "The smell was coming in our front door from the parking lot."

Dr. Campbell treated the dogs when they were brought to the Adair County Animal Hospital. She says she and the other employees were there until 9 p.m. cleaning the puppies and dogs. They were then examined and treated for parasites. After going through all that, the doctors agree that the dogs are ready for a better life.

If you are interested in fostering or potentially adopting one of these dogs, please call the Metcalfe County Judge Executive at (270) 432-3181 or call the Adair County Animal Hospital at (270) 384-6113.

If you would like to make a donation to the Green River Animal Welfare League in support of the Green River Animal Shelter, please send to:

GRAWL P.O. Box 370 Columbia, KY 42728


  • WBKO - July 4, 2005

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