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Case ID: 5116
Classification: Fighting
Animal: chicken
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Cockfighting - 40 birds seized
Adelaide, SA (AU)

Incident Date: Saturday, Jul 23, 2005

Disposition: Alleged

Abuser names unreleased

Police and RSPCA officers have smashed an illegal cockfighting operation in Adelaide. In a joint raid by South Australian police and RSPCA officers, about 40 roosters were seized on July 23 along with four sets of needle-sharp fighting spurs.

Three people, including two men from Victoria, have been charged with possessing chickens for cockfighting purposes.

Eight RSPCA inspectors and more than a dozen police raided a property at Lewiston, in Adelaides outer north, and found an elaborate cockfighting ring hidden inside a greenhouse.

An RSPCA spokeswoman said officers arrived just before the cockfighting was about to start.


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