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Case ID: 5138
Classification: Hoarding
Animal: cat
View more cases in CA (US)
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Hoarding - nearly 100 cats
Riverside, CA (US)

Incident Date: Tuesday, Jul 19, 2005
County: Riverside

Charges: Misdemeanor
Disposition: Not Charged

Abuser names unreleased

A Riverside woman may be looking at charges of animal abuse and cruelty, after nearly 100 cats are found in her home. The animals lived surrounded by their own waste. Some of them so sick, they will have to be put to sleep.

Neighbors called authorities when they noticed an unbearable stench coming from the house.

Investigators say the woman who lives in the house has a history of hoarding cats. The elderly woman, who lives in the 100 block of Kayjay Street, was first contacted by animal control two years ago when the county collected about 20 cats from her home, authorities said.


  • ABC Channel 7 - July 21, 2005
  • « CA State Animal Cruelty Map

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