Dogs poisoned in park Boston, MA (US)Incident Date: Thursday, Jul 28, 2005 County: Suffolk
Disposition: Alleged
Abuser names unreleased
The person who mixed a lethal snack of pet food and rat poison, then planted cups of the deadly substance in an East Boston park, may be the same one who has left anonymous notes in the doors of dog owners, sources said.
"The notes are not signed, and essentially say, 'Your dogs are a problem,'" said one investigator in the case. "We have a strong lead on who the letter writer is, and we are investigating that angle."
On July 28, investigators from the city's Animal Control Unit and the Animal Rescue League scoured Brigham Park in East Boston for clues that could lead them to the culprit who stuffed the toxic mix in Walt Disney Dixie Cups and left them in the bushes.
"We've had a few leads. The neighborhood response is strong. People are concerned," said Lt. Alan Borgal of the Animal Rescue League, which has offered a $1,000 reward for information leading to an arrest. Animal cruelty is a felony in Massachusetts.
On July 26, a chocolate Labrador retriever puppy, Olly, ate one of the cups and had to be rushed to the vet by her owner, Caroline Mabon, 24. Mabon then found two more cups of the lethal chow in bushes around the park, which has a sweeping view of Boston's waterfront skyline and abuts majestic homes along Jeffries Point.
Eleven-month-old Olly survived, but could have lifelong problems from the poison, Mabon said.
Yesterday, Borgal assuaged the fears of dog walkers in East Boston, urging them to keep pets on a leash and be cautious of suspicious substances. Mayor Thomas M. Menino vowed to throw the book at the person responsible.
"As a dog lover, that does not make sense to me," Menino said. "It makes me angry that someone would do that. Why would someone be so cruel to anybody." References« MA State Animal Cruelty Map « More cases in Suffolk County, MA