how many chickens are in the world

Counting Chickens: How Many Chickens are There in The World

Chickens are one of the most important domestic animals worldwide. It plays an essential role in the global food supply chain. They are not only a source of nutrition but also have economic significance. Chickens are a very beneficial bird as their eggs and meat are consumed by humans worldwide.

They can easily adapt to different diets and diverse climatic conditions. Knowing different breeds of chickens helps poultry farmers to understand which one they would like to grow.

In this blog, you will find out the population of chickens worldwide, the top countries with the maximum population of chickens, and some essential statistics about their population.

How Many Chickens are in The World?

Wondering how many chickens are on earth? Let’s find out!

Undoubtedly, chickens are the most widespread domestic livestock in the world. According to the latest stats, about 34.4 billion chickens live on the earth. The number has tripled since 1990. This growth owes to the growing human population and its need for eggs and meat daily. The poultry industry is growing rapidly. The question of how many chickens are eaten daily can’t be definite.

Just like there is a rapid growth in the population of chickens, the consumption is also increasing. It is expected that by 2023, there will be a 2% increase in chicken meat consumption.

Where are Chickens Mostly Found in The World?

Where are Chickens Mostly Found in The World?

Chickens are found in almost every corner of the world, but the maximum numbers are in China. It is the largest producer of eggs in the world. The chicken population is the highest in Asia, with China and India leading them.

According to research by Statista, in 2023, China had the highest number of chickens compared to other countries. Around 5.1 billion chickens were living there.

How Many Chickens are There in The US?

There are around 9.22 billion chickens in the United States, according to stats of 2023. Chickens are constantly being slaughtered for consumption, so it is difficult to get the exact number.

Iowa has more than 60 million chickens and tops the list of chicken population charts of the United States. Ohio and Indiana come next, and their numbers are very close. Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Texas are other states in the US that come next.

Top Chicken Countries Ranked by Population

Top Chicken Countries Ranked by Population

The chicken population is always rising, so it is difficult to get the exact count. But the following is a list of chicken countries according to population for 2023.

Country Population of Chicken
China 5.22 billion
Indonesia 3.48 billion
Pakistan 1.58 billion
Brazil 1.53 billion
United States Of America 1.52 billion
Iran 1.03 billion
India 807 million
Mexico 604 million
Vietnam 526 million
Russia 472 million

Top Statistics Related to The Chicken Population Worldwide

These stats are subject to changes, but according to the latest surveys, the following are some chicken population statistics you should know:

  • Approximately 9 billion chickens are slaughtered every year for meat.
  • In 2020, all laying hens produced over 111.6 billion eggs in the United States.
  • Iowa leads the chicken farming industry with over 60 million chickens.
  • According to Peta, 305 million hens are used yearly to lay eggs.
  • France has 242.015 million chickens, according to FAO.
  • FAO mentions that Australia has around 100.8 million chickens every year.
  • Another report by FAO mentions that 8% of the United State’s households owned at least one chicken before the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 15.4 billion chickens are produced in Asia alone.
  • According to FAO, Morocco in Africa has the highest number of chickens, 208 million.
  • There are 18 billion chickens in China, Indonesia, and the United States.

What are The Most Popular Chicken Breeds?

There are hundreds of chicken breeds, out of which there are some of the most popular ones. Certain parameters like hardy, friendly, and egg layers identify good chicken breeds.

There are 4 main classes of chicken breeds, including English, Asiatic, Mediterranean, and American.

1. Black Copper Marans

This breed of chicken originated in France in 1920. They are available in various colors and are independent. They are friendly and low-maintenance birds. They have black feathers with a green sheen and copper-colored saddles.

Also, they have feathered legs. They can produce 210 chocolate brown eggs every year. You can also use them for meat as their flesh quality is good.

2. Ayam Cemani

Ayam Cemani is known as the world’s gothic chicken. They are black inside and out and thus used for ritual practices in Indonesia. They can lay 100 eggs every year, which are cream-colored.

Its meat is considered a delicacy in many parts of Europe and Asia because of the tender meat. These birds are known for being calm and friendly.

3. Brahma

Large birds are found in various colors, and their legs are heavily feathered. These hens weigh 9 lbs, and roosters can weigh 11 lbs. They can lay 150 to 200 eggs every year.

They can even be kept with birds of the same nature, making them quite friendly. In addition, the meat is delicious, but it takes a lot of time to mature for meat production.

4. Easter Egger

Easter eggs are made from a hybrid of Ameraucanas and Araucanas. They have fluffy cheeks and fluffy beards and are medium-sized. They can lay up to 200 eggs yearly with colors ranging from blue, green, light brown, and even pink.

They are very small in size and thus not ideal for meat. They are bold and calm birds.

5. Cochin

They are large and friendly birds perfect for people starting their journey into chicken farming. They can reach up to 11 lbs and have feathered legs. They prefer laying eggs in the winter and can lay eggs reaching up to 180 medium-sized eggs. These gentle birds are not ideal for meat production since their growth takes time.

6. Leghorn

Leghorns are slim-shaped chickens because of which they are also known as aerodynamic. They have bright yellow legs and skin with a large red single comb. This breed is available in many colors, like white, brown, and speckled.

They lay large white eggs that can go up to 280 in number every year. Their meat can’t be consumed because of the less weight. They are active birds and can fly, so get your 6-foot fence ready if you are getting one for yourself.

7. Polish

These are small breed birds that weigh only 4 to 7 lbs. They have crested heads of feathers and come in colors of black, white, and mottled. They can produce 150 white eggs annually. These chickens are friendly, and make sure you are gentle when calling them to avoid startling them.

8. Silkies

Silkies are fluffy chickens with feathered legs and feet. They are too small to be used for meat production. They can produce up to 100 eggs every year. They are friendly, brave, and fun birds to have around. However, some can be bossy to deal with.

9. Rhode Island Red

They are known for being the official state bird of Rhode Island that reaches up to 9 lbs in weight. They have yellow legs and orange eyes. Rhode Island Rends can lay eggs up to 200 to 250. However, they tend to produce fewer eggs during the winter season. These birds are apt for meat due to their good weight.

10. Ameraucanas

It is an American bird that can be medium or large. They have full beards and are available in many colors. They can produce up to 150 eggs every year. Moreover, they are intelligent, friendly, and calm birds to deal with.


Chickens are highly consumed in different parts of the globe. They are one of the most popular meats for so many people. This is the reason that their numbers are always increasing. Furthermore, people even breed them and work on growing them as a business called poultry farms.

Responsible and ethical practices must be adopted to ensure the continued presence of these birds. In addition, it also presents challenges related to sustainability and animal welfare. Thus, taking the right measures by the poultry industry is essential to keep the chicken population in check.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are There Any Environmental Concerns Due to The Increasing Chicken Population?

Yes, there are some environmental concerns related to chicken farming, including land usage, waste management, and water consumption. There are sustainability concerns to be kept in mind in the poultry industry. However, these creatures are also a great source of nutrients for human beings. So, we need to come up with some alternatives.

Which Countries Have the Highest Chicken Population?

Chickens are available easily and in huge numbers across the globe. China, the United States, Brazil, and India are some of the highest chicken populations countries. They have a huge poultry industry with millions of chickens.

How Do Chickens Help in Scientific Research?

Chickens are used in scientific research for various reasons, like for studying genetics and embryonic development. Their evolution from being birds to mammals is a valuable animal model that scientists want to study. however,

How is Eating Chicken Helpful for The Body?

When cooked properly, chickens are a source of lean protein. It is also rich in various types of vitamins and minerals. However, cooking methods, seasoning, and portion sizes decide how beneficial they will be for the health. Also, the versatility of dishes that can be made using chicken makes them available to sick and healthy people.

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