Curious About Dogs Jumping Fences? Find Out Why!

Curious About Dogs Jumping Fences? Find Out Why!

Raising a dog is a perfect example of a roller coaster of feelings. In a moment, they appear to be a ray of calmness and sunshine, and in the next, they are jumping and pumping, which gets you all anxious. Despite all these worries, we love dogs, and there can not be a single moment of sadness when they are around.

A dog parent is responsible for ensuring their pet’s safety at all times, so you are not alone in this. Have you ever seen your dog hyperactive and trying hard to jump the fence? If yes, then you have landed just at the right place. Let’s understand all about their jumping instincts and how to stop them.

Why Do Dogs Jump Fences?

Dogs are a human’s best friend, undoubtedly, but at the same time, they are animals with their instincts and behavior. Many dog breeds have come a long way to become quieter and calmer. This does not mean they can completely relinquish their natural characteristics and personality. Some of them have ancestral stories of being in the war, while some were nomadic and protective dogs.

Research shows that dog breeds can mold themselves with proper training and years of being in a healthy and peaceful environment. The best example of the shift can be seen in Foxer Dogs, Pitbull, or Rottweiler.

In a nutshell, dogs naturally crave freedom and wildlife, making them jump out from the fence.

Reasons Why Your Dog is Jumping the Fence

Reasons Why Your Dog is Jumping the Fence

Now, let’s be more specific and deal with those little fur babies around our homes. Have you ever wondered why your dog tries hard to jump out from the fence or run out whenever possible despite all the love and comfort you offer? The answer is probably yes. While there is nothing to worry about, you surely can understand the reasons behind this behavior to empathize with your fur baby. Here are some common reasons that make your dog jump from the fence

  • Boredom: Do you get bored of the same routine every day or stay alone at home? Yes? So does your dog. Dogs get tired of the monotonous life and jump from the fence to seek adventure. There can be several reasons for their boredom, including lack of exercise and walks. In addition, if you tend to leave your dog at home alone, the chances of them getting bored and jumping out increases. Remember that dogs require stimulation, and leaving them in your backyard/room without enough space for playing they will get bored.
  • Freedom: You love freedom, and so does your dog. Dogs left tied up in a leash or a dog room have more chances of jumping out from the fence for freedom. Whether for love, protection, or neglect, keeping your dog confined is never a solution. They will keep looking for chances to escape.
  • Prey: This might be a surprising trait about your fur baby- they naturally tend to prey. Regardless of the breed, they love preying on insects, flies, and lizards. So, if you find your dog suddenly trying to jump over the fence, it is probably because they have seen potential prey and do not want to miss out on the chance.
  • Protect: You must love how loyal and protective your furry friend is. Your dog might jump from the fence to protect you against intruders or threats. Loud neighbors, thieves, suspicious passersby, or even kids can appear as a threat to your dog and then jump right away for your protection. While you might feel overwhelmed with the reason, your dog trying to jump over the fence is not a move to support.
  • Territorial War/Love: Coming to a rather lighter note that might crack you up, dogs are possessive about their space/territory. If they find street dogs or your neighbor’s dog lurking around the fence, your dog will try to jump over the fence for a territorial war. In addition, your dog might be in love with your neighbor’s dog.

    Additional Info: Every dog breed has a different personality and might have varied/more reasons for jumping over the fence. The points mentioned here are common reasons found in all dog breeds.

Ideas to Keep Your Dog Inside the Fence: Dos and Don’ts

Dogs jumping over the fence is not always about a fun game they are playing; it can be a little too dangerous for them, given the number of vehicles on the street or the height of the fence. But then, how do you stop a dog from jumping a fence?

You do not need to panic, as there are several ideas to protect your dog from jumping over the fence. Let’s have a look at the simple steps that you can take.

1. Railings


Your house probably already has fencing to create a safe and protected space for your dog. Dog parents often forget to add railings on the top of the fence.

The railing is important as most of these fences tend to have a weaker top that can easily break or bend when loaded with your dog’s weight, making it easy to jump over the fence. You can consider getting top railings for the fence to create strong fencing.

2. Fencing


Firstly, if your house has a dog without fencing on all corners, you are probably doing it wrong. Make sure to add strong and durable fences. Every dog breed has different jumping capabilities, i.e., at what height they can jump. The fencing does not serve the purpose if your dog easily jumps over the fence. It is time to increase the height of the fence.

In addition, you can go for fences made of strong material, wired metal, or shock fences to ensure your dog does not try jumping in the future. The best part is that extending the height of fences does not require you to spend a huge sum of money. You can find extender kits as well.

3. Rollers and Piping

Rollers and Piping

Have you come across fence rollers or coyote rollers? If not, then it is time you get rollers for your fence.

Let’s first understand how these fence rollers work. These are metal tubes or rollers installed at the top of the fence and designed to spin whenever weight is on it.

If your dog tries to jump over the fence, it will not be able to get a grip, thus making it nearly impossible for your dog to jump.

4. Exercise and Walks

Exercise and Walks

It is time to shift the attention from additional elements and focus on your dog’s behavior. Dogs naturally need more stimulation that can be best achieved from exercises and walks.

Now that you know lack of physical movements is a big reason tempting your dog to jump over, why not ensure they get enough stimulation?

You do not need extreme exercise; simple walks and running can satisfy your dog’s needs.

5. Playing


If you succeed in creating a playing space for your dog, then there is little to no chance that they will want to jump out. If you have a yard or a living space, you can place multiple toys to entertain your dog.

You can also indulge in some frisbee sessions or ball-throwing games with your fur baby to keep them distracted or unaffected by the world outside fences. Here are a few tips to turn the backyard into a playground-

  • Make a dog house
  • Leave an array of toys
  • Make a sandbox for your dog to dig
  • Host playdates with neighbour’s dogs

6. Training Your Dog

Training Your Dog

Training your dog is the key solution to keep your dog from even trying to jump. You might not be around your dog at all times, so you should train them not to go around fences. You can either do it with functional training sessions that make your dog more diligent with commands or install temporary training fences that send alerts and shocks every time your dog tries to jump the fence.

7. Block the View

Block the View

Almost all dog breeds are naturally curious, making them interested in every little element outside the fence and patrolling your neighbors. You can block the view to keep your dog protected from jumping over.

Additional Tip- Use plants and fencing trees to block the view. This will serve the purpose and not disrupt the aesthetics of your yard.

8. Positive Living

Positive Living

Being a dog parent, you must know that dogs are extremely sensitive towards feelings and emotions. Create a healthy, happy, and positive environment to keep your dog from escaping. There are a few things you can do to make your dog feel content:

  • Spend time with them
  • Give them treats
  • Play with them
  • Ensure proper diet
  • Make sure that there is someone with the dog at all times
  • Use a leash only while walking outdoors

9. Remove Aids

Remove Aids

Not all dogs can jump high, especially your adorable Shih Tzu or poodle. However, if you still find them able to jump over the fence, then it’s probably because there are aids around the fence. You can identify and remove elements that aid their jump, such as trash bins, stools, or empty pots.


Now that you know all the dos to keep your furry friend from jumping over, here are some things you would want to avoid that can serve as an additional tip-

  • Don’t leave your dog alone
  • Don’t keep your dog tied up
  • Don’t create a negative environment
  • Don’t train your dog using rigorous training measures
  • Don’t scold your dog, as this will make them aggressive and willing to escape

Fencing: Why You Need to Improve It

Whether temporary or permanent, fencing has a tremendous benefit for your dog and your journey as a dog parent. A strong fence is the best answer to preventing dogs from jumping fences.

While you might already have fencing around the house, there are several reasons why you would want to consider improving its strength and style. We have listed enough reasons to get you on board with the idea.

1. Safety

Regardless of your dog’s breed, you will always need strong fencing. If you have temporary fences or fences that are not strong, then it is time to upgrade. Different fences are available with a better promise for safety. Weak fences are not built to prevent your dog from jumping out or protect them from elements outdoors. You can look for these fences-

2. Durability

When you invest a big bag in getting good fencing, you also want to make it last long. However, these fences sometimes appear strong but come with a short life. You can improve the fencing by adding a coat of protective oil/paint, adding rollers on the top, or getting a new fence.

3. Efficiency

Every dog breed has different levels of strength. A fence for smaller dogs might not work for larger dog breeds. If you find your dog can jump over the fence, this easily means that you need to improve the fence.

Fences ideal for your dog breed can save you from all the trouble behind protecting your dog from jumping over.

4. Features

Pet supply brands have been coming up with amazing new features in dog fences that you would not want to miss out on. Fences with electric, shock, vibration, and foldable features also aid in training your dog.

There are amazing electric fences that send you warnings every time your dog tries to jump over the fence. Isn’t this truly amazing? You can also consider temporary fences, which are portable and can help create playing spaces, safety boundaries, and much more for your dog.

Final Thoughts

Regardless of your dog’s breed, they will be jumpy all around the house and, sometimes, over the fence. You would not want your fur baby to be lazy or too excited to jump across the fence. The idea is to find a sweet spot in between for your dog. If you find your dog jumpy around fences more than usual, you should try to find the reason. It can be because of potential threats or your dog wants to play/walk outdoors.

Depending on the reason, you can adjust your next step- go for enhanced fencing and, at the same time, train your fur baby to understand the risks of jumping over the fence. Thanks to pet brands, you can find just the right fence and toys to train your pet.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is My Dog Jumping Over the Fence?

Dogs are naturally curious and active beings who love to play outdoors. If you leave your dog alone at home without offering enough stimulation through exercises and walks, your dog will want to jump over. Other reasons are also involved, such as a protective act against potential threats.

How Do I Stop My Dog from Jumping Over the Fence?

If you notice your dog jumping over the fence, you can improve the fencing by adding rollers and wires. You can get electric fencing installed to prevent dogs from jumping over. In addition, training them to follow commands can be beneficial as well.

Are Electric Fences Useful to Stop Dogs from Jumping Over the Fence?

Electric fences have gained huge popularity as these prove to be highly beneficial for preventing dogs from jumping over the fence. An electric fence is designed to give mild shocks to the dog and alert you whenever your dog tries to jump.

Is Fencing Strong for My Dog?

If fencing around your house cannot contain your dog, it is not strong enough for your dog’s breed. You can figure out the strength by simple observations- can your dog jump over, or is the fence top bending when your dog tries to jump?

How Can I Make Dog Fencing Strong?

A strong dog fencing is crucial for the safety of your dog. There are several ways to strengthen the fence- Increase the height, add rollers, opt for coyote railings, or switch to electric fences.

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