vietnamese hmong bobtail

Everything to Know About Cat-Like Dog: Vietnamese Hmong Bobtail

Have you ever heard of the dog breed Vietnamese Hmong Bobtail? If not, it isn’t surprising, as they are among the rarest breeds of dogs and are only found in a few countries. It boasts of some unique features that are sure to leave you astonished. Its deep eye and dense fur look is what makes it adorable.

But what sets them apart from other dog breeds? Do they look adorable like a pomeranian, or are family types like bulldogs? Carry along with us till the end, and we will enlighten you on different aspects while ensuring to provide a deep insight to all your queries.

So, why wait more? Let’s quickly dive in and uncover every bit about Vietnamese Hmong Bobtail.

Vietnamese Hmong Bobtail: An Overview

Hmong Bobtails are a rare breed of dog, originating from the mountainous regions of Northern Vietnam. These dogs hold a deep history that shows their connection with the Hmong people, a traditional group in the region. These people keep Hmong Bobtails as companions or train them to make them work as hunting dogs, who will, in turn, help them to control pests. This dog breed holds immense traditional importance in the region where they are found.

Further, their bobbed tail is believed to be a natural mutation, which sets them apart from many breeds.

Characteristics of Hmong Bobtail

Characteristics of Hmong Bobtail

1. Appearance

  • Size: The Hmong breed generally falls under the medium-sized breed of dog. A steep difference in size has been found between male and female breeds. Males are around 20-24 inches at the shoulder; females tend to be slightly smaller.
  • Fur: They have a thick, dense, double-layered fur or coat that saves them from extreme weather conditions. Usually, the fur is long and black; however, other colors, like white and brown, are also found.
  • Tail: They boast of a bushy tail that curls over their backs.
  • Ear: Hmong have semi-pricked or floppy ears.

2. Temperament

  • Vietnamese Hmong Dogs are widely renowned for their loyalty, making strong bonds as a family pet. They have strong instincts and hence protect whichever family they are in.
  • Hmong Dogs are alert by nature and, hence, work as excellent watchdogs. Their vocal nature adds to this well, making them quickly raise the alarm if they observe or sense something fishy.
  • These breeds of dogs are independent, which is a must-have aspect to excel as working dogs in mountainous regions.
  • Hmong interact or behave well with other dogs, animals, and people. But for the same early socialization is crucial.
  • The most amazing traits of Vietnamese Hmong dogs are their adaptability to rough and tough mountain environments and changing weather situations.

3. Intelligence and Function

These breeds of dogs are considered highly intelligent and, hence, are quick learners who understand commands. This fact is backed by the truth that Hmong people use Bobtail dogs for hunting, which requires intelligence and a problem-solving mind.

As said, Vietnamese Hmong Bobtail dogs are great hunters, but apart from that, they are frequently found in herding livestock like cattle, goats, pigs, and more in hills areas of northern Vietnamese mountains.

4. Maintenance

The breed boasts of high energy levels and, therefore, requires regular exercise to stay calm and composed. Simple exercises like daily walks or access to a yard during playtime will be enough to keep them happy and healthy.

5. Lifespan and Health

Vietnamese Hmong Bobtails are a healthy breed and, hence, have a lifespan of 12-15 years. However, they may be susceptible to some diseases common in medium-sized dogs. We’ll elaborate on this in a while.

Amazing Facts About Vietnamese Bobtail

  • Hmong Dog’s Cultural Connection: Vietnamese Hmong Bobtail dogs are deeply connected with the culture and daily life of the Hmong’s people. These people are an ethnic group in Northern Vietnam who, for a long time, have been using this breed of dog as a helping hand in various tasks. It isn’t only because of Bobtail’s hard-working nature but also for its loyalty and socialization toward humans.
  • Adaptation to Different Conditions: Vietnamese Bobtail boasts some amazing survival skills. This comes from their habitat, which has taught them to survive in mountainous terrain and weather conditions. Further, they possess an amazing sense, particularly of smell, which makes them a good choice for tracking and hunting in the wild.
  • Endangered Species: Probably, the most unknown fact about Vietnamese Hmong Bobtails is that they are considered under vulnerable status by IUCN. What is even sadder is that these dogs aren’t widely recognized or bred outside of the Hmong community in Vietnam. While cross-breeding with other dog breeds can work, there are limited efforts toward the same simply because it may hamper the bobtail’s unique genetic characteristics or pose the risk of extinction.

Things to Know Before Owning a Hmong Bobtail

Things to Know Before Owning a Hmong Bobtail

  • The breed is commonly found in the northern mountains of Vietnam. The Hmong people previously used them for herding and guarding livestock like cows and goats.
  • Many of this breed of dogs are medium-sized and have a husky body with a tail curling over their back.
  • Vietnamese Hmong Bobtail falls among the category of active dogs, and hence, exercise is crucial for them.
  • Early socialization is necessary for the breed to avoid being reserved towards strangers. Exposing them to different people and animals from a young age can help them become more social and avoid the development of an aggressive nature.
  • If you own them for training well, they are undoubtedly intelligent and very trainable, but at the same time, they are strong-willed. Therefore, you will need consistent and positive reinforcement training methods. Further, providing them with rewards like food and praise can add to the same.
  • They shed their double coats slightly, which might increase during the shedding season.
  • Though Hmong dogs can live or adapt themselves to an apartment, they generally develop better at home with yards since they get enough space to play and exercise.
  • Vietnamese Hmong Bobtail lives longer, with an average lifespan of 10-14 years, so be ready for a lifetime commitment.

Lifespan and Health Concerns


As with any other breed, the lifespan of Vietnamese Hmong Bobtail varies with bread, genetics, the food they are fed, health, and lastly, the environment they live in. Talking about their roundabout or average lifespan, it’s generally between 10-14 years. Remember, if you’re good at caring in all aspects, they may live longer. Further, spaying or neutering helps prevent your dog from many health issues, hence more life expectancy.

Health Concern

Not all Vietnamese bobtails may be susceptible to one or the other kind of health issues, just like any other breed; therefore, as an owner, you need to be aware of the same.

Here is a list that will enlighten you of different health issues your Vietnamese Hmong Bobtail may suffer from:

  • Hip Dysplasia: This mainly arises because of genetics in which the hip joint doesn’t grow properly, leading to arthritis and pain.
  • Elbow Dysplasia: It’s almost the same as hip dysplasia; the only difference is that the elbow joint doesn’t develop properly, which can cause pain or conditions like lameness.
  • Skin Issues: Many dogs of the breed may suffer from skin problems like allergies and dermatitis, which results in itching and rashes.
  • Eye Problems: Not frequently, but sometimes, the breed has been found suffering from eye conditions like cataracts, atrophy, and glaucoma.
  • Heart Conditions: This is a real concern; some Vietnamese Hmong Bobtails may suffer from heart issues like dilated cardiomyopathy, which leads to complete heart failure.
  • Dental Issues: Periodontal disease, a kind of dental problem, is common in these dogs, so proper dental Care is necessary.
  • Parasitic Infections: The most common issue of all the ones mentioned above. Hmong Bobtail dogs frequently have parasitic infections like fleas, ticks, etc.

Is the Vietnamese Hmong Bobtail a Good Pet Choice?

Is the Vietnamese Hmong Bobtail a Good Pet Choice?

A Vietnamese Hmong bobtail makes amazing pets for both family and solo owners. But there isn’t one thing that makes them suitable; here is a list of features why you wouldn’t regret choosing Bobtail as your pet.

  • Vietnamese Hmong Bobtails have a thick double coat that helps them tackle Vietnam’s varying weather conditions, be it hot summers or cold winters.
  • Hmong Bobtail are mainly popular because of their loyalty and the bond they make with their owners. This further backs the statement that they are excellent pets for Vietnamese families.
  • The breed doesn’t need much tail grooming; hence, it has a low maintenance requirement. Further, they shed moderately, easily manageable in a tropical climate.
  • Bobtails are medium-sized, making them suitable for both apartments or homes in rural and urban areas. Adding on a big space for their exercise isn’t a necessity.
  • Their sense of alert is amazing, and their hands make great watchdogs. They protect their families and can alert you beforehand if they sense any potential threat.
  • Since they have adapted themselves to mountains, special dog food isn’t required. They are good with the local diet, unlike other breeds.
  • They are independent and can keep themselves engaged; therefore, if you are someone who doesn’t have a lot of time for consistent attention to your pet, it’s a good choice.
  • Vietnamese Hmong Bobtail are also popular because of their little barking nature.
  • This dog breed is generally healthy because of their activeness and boasts a quite long life span, which reduces veterinary expenses. All this leads to a long-lasting bond with the owner.
  • Since Hmong Bobtail dogs are unique and rarely found, owning them can make you a source of attraction when on walks or even in society.

Food & Exercise Requirement for Vietnamese Hmong Bobtail

Vietnamese Hmong Bobtail

1. Nutrients Needed

As said, Vietnamese Hmong dogs don’t require high-quality dog food or something like that, but a specific diet is necessary at different stages of life. For Vietnamese Hmong Bobtail puppies, a nutrient-rich diet is essential, which will help them for proper growth and development. This can include anything from cooked meat to high-quality puppy food, depending on your choice. Apart from this, adult portal dogs’ protein-rich food is in the right proportion based on their size and their activity level.

2. Essential Activity Needs

Vietnamese Hmong Bobtail dogs fall under the intelligent and active breeds of dogs. Therefore, to keep them happy and healthy, a minimum of 1-2 hours of exercise daily is necessary. This can include anything like walking, jogging, playing fetch, or any obedience training. It’s easy to train them because of their intelligence, but remember to keep your training session short and interesting so that they enjoy it. Further, socialize them with yourself and other breeds of dogs and animals to keep them mentally strong.

Caring Tips for Vietnamese Hmong Bobtail


  • Brushing: As said above, Bobtail dogs have dense double coats; therefore, regular brushing is essential to keep them healthy. Though not daily, a few times a week is a good choice to prevent conditions like matting. All these not only make them adorable or good looking but also as well to their skin health.
  • Tick Checks: Ticks are a kind of parasite that carries various diseases and may make your pet uncomfortable. Therefore, it is essential to check your Hmong dog for the same after each walk. Whenever checking, remember to pay some extra attention to areas like ears, underbelly, and toes, where those parasites are mostly found.
  • Bathing: Not daily or not weekly; it’s your choice, but generally, it’s better to bathe your dog when they get dirty or starts smelling. Use a mild dog shampoo for the same. Keep in mind to try your Vietnamese Hmong Bobtail dog thoroughly to refrain from any skin issues.


  • Physical: The breed is considered active and requires regular exercise; generally, 30-60 minutes daily is enough. The exercise can encompass anything from brisk walks, running and games like fetch. Apart from keeping them healthy, this will make them calm and reduce the chance of ruthless behavior.
  • Mental: Like exercise, mental stimulation is also necessary. Hmong Bobtail dogs are intelligent, and doing so challenges their mind, hence a better development.

Living Environment

  • Closed Ambience: Bobtails are lively and social; keeping them in a cage or within the four walls longer isn’t a good idea. Try to take them out for at least 20 to 30 minutes, where they have enough space to move and interact. This, apart from their physical growth, adds well to mental growth.
  • Compatibility: Hmong Bobtails make amazing pets both for singles and families. But remember, they may not be the best choice if you already have smaller pets. Because of the instinct that provokes them to chase, proper socialization may be helpful, but it’s important to be careful.


All in all, the Vietnamese Hmong Bobtail is an innocent and cute-looking dog breed, which is totally in contrast with their hardworking nature. They are loyal and obedient but require training for the same. Further, proper care is necessary in all aspects, including food, exercise, socialization, and more, to ensure a happy, healthy life with a better life expectancy.

If you’re considering choosing them as your pet, it’s good to know everything about them, from their nature to their specific need for proper growth. Hope browsing till the end will have given you enough to make an informed decision.

If you have any queries, feel free to drop them in the comment box below, and we’ll resolve them at the earliest.

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