How to Keep Cat Litter from Smelling

How to Keep Cat Litter from Smelling

Having a cat as a family member is great, but keeping the litter box clean can be a pain at times. The smell of the litter box can quickly spread through your house, making it less pleasant to be in.

This article will talk about different techniques and tips that will help you instruct how to keep cat litter from smelling and how to keep your home smelling nice and your cat happy and comfortable.

However, taking proactive steps is the best way to keep your cat’s litter box from smelling bad. So, let’s talk about some good ways to keep the smell and mess of cat litter to a minimum. These tips will not only make your home more pleasant, but they will also make it healthier and more comfortable for your cat.

Let’s learn about cat litter and how to keep your home odor-free so that you and your cat can enjoy the place you share.

How to Make the Litter Box Smell Better and Less Messy

People love having cats as pets, but let’s be honest: their litter boxes can make the house smell bad sometimes. It is the right place to look for ways to keep your cat’s litter box from making your home smell better and feel cozier while still making your cat happy.

How to Make the Litter Box Smell Better and Less Messy

Here are some of the best ways to learn how to keep cat litter from smelling or the litter box clean and the area around it smelling fresh for both of you.

1. Get the Right Cat Litter

Getting suitable cat litter is one of the most essential things you can do to eliminate litter box smells. Choose scraps that are made to get rid of smells. Look for litter that says odor control or scent on the box. Some wastes are made with baking soda or activated charcoal to help them absorb and get rid of smells better.

2. Regular Scooping

Scooping the litter box regularly and on time is very important for keeping it smelling good. At least once a day, you should scoop out the trash and eliminate any solid waste or dirty chunks. This process is easier to handle if you use clumping litter. Do an excellent job of cleaning to keep smells from getting worse.

3. Pet Litter Box Liners

Litter box liners can be a valuable addition to your care for your litter box. They make it easy to eliminate old litter and put in new garbage. But some cats might not like liners, so it’s essential to keep an eye on their health and take the liner out if needed.

4. Quality Litter Box

Spend money on a quality litter box that is big and made to keep smells out. Covered or top-entry litter boxes can help keep the smell inside longer than open ones. To keep odors inside, look for compartments with sealed seams and an airtight design.

5. Baking Soda

Baking soda has been used for a long time to eliminate smells in homes. Sprinkle a little on the bottom of the litter box before you add new litter. It can help get rid of odors effectively. Some cat litter also has baking soda to help eliminate smells even better.

6. Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is excellent at soaking and removing smells, just like baking soda. You can get charcoal screens that are made to be put in or near the litter box to keep odors inside. These screens work great in litter boxes with lids.

7. Use Clumping Litter

With clumping litter, it’s easy to eliminate dirty clumps and leave behind clean debris. It helps keep the litter box clean and odor-free. Make sure the clumping junk you choose can get rid of smells well.

8. Keep the Right Amount of Litter

Make sure there is a moderate amount of litter in the box. If there isn’t enough litter, your cat might be unable to cover their waste, and if there is too little, you’ll have to empty the box more often.

9. Fresh Litter

It is essential to change all the litter in the box regularly. It depends on how often you clean the litter box and what kind of litter you use. Some cat owners change the litter every two weeks, while others do it once a month. Please make sure to follow the instructions given by the maker.

10. Placement of the Litter Box

Make sure the litter box is in a place with good airflow. Having enough air flow can help keep smells from building up in one place. Keep the box away from your cat’s food and water bowls, though.

11. Cleaning Often

When you change the litter, clean the litter box well and scoop it. Wash the container in hot water and soap that is safe for pets. Before adding new litter, make sure it is scorched.

12. Deodorizers for Litters

You can buy deodorizers for litter sprinkling on top of the trash. These items are made to catch and eliminate smells while your cat uses the little box.

13. Air Purifiers

If you have a clean air cleaner, put one near the litter box with a HEPA filter. Air filters can help catch and eliminate smells and other things. It can be beneficial for homes with more than one cat.

14. Stay the Same

Cats like things to stay the same. Keep the type or brand of litter you use all of a sudden. Instead, stick to a regular schedule for scooping and cleaning. It will help your cat stay happy and comfortable, which can then help lower marking habits that are caused by stress.

The smell and mess from your cat litter box will be much less noticeable if you use these tips. Because every cat is different, it might take some trial and error to find the best way to help you keep cat litter from smelling.

How to Choose the Best Cat Litter to Get Rid of Smells

How to Choose the Best Cat Litter to Get Rid of Smells

Choosing suitable cat litter is very important if you don’t want your cat’s litter box to smell bad. What kind of cat litter you use can have a significant effect on how well it gets rid of those smells:

1. Litter that Piles Up

For getting rid of smells, clumping cat litter is a great choice. The trash in this type sticks together tightly when it gets wet. The waste and these clumps are easy to scoop out, leaving the rest of the litter box clean and odor-free.

2. Smelly Vs. Not Scented

A lot of car litter comes in scented types that are meant to cover up smells. Smelly scraps can help, but cats sensitive to solid smells might be unable to use them. If you’re worried about your cat’s allergies or preferences, you can use litter that doesn’t have a scent.

3. Options that are Natural and Biodegradable

Some cat owners like litter made from natural and biodegradable materials like wood, corn, or wheat. Most of the time, these litters don’t have dust, and they can help eliminate smells.

4. Silica Gel Litter

Silica gel Litter can keep smells at bay and soak up a lot of liquid. The small granules in these litters hold on to wetness and odor.

5. Charcoal Activated

Look for cat litter that has charcoal Activated in them. This natural substance that fights smells can help soak up and eliminate foul odors.

6. Probiotic Litters

Some newer types of cat litter contain probiotics, which help kill germs that cause smells, keeping the litter box fresh for a long time.

7. Low Dust Formula

Too dusty litter can harm your cat’s lungs and make the area around them messy. Choose wastes that don’t make a lot of dust to keep the mess and smell minimal.

When picking the best cat litter for your needs, you should consider what your cat likes, whether it has any allergies or sensitivities, and what you want for ease of use and smell control. Finding the right fit might take some trial and error, but once you do, you’ll notice a big difference in the mood of your house.

How to Make Your Own Hidden Cat Box Furniture

How to Make Your Own Hidden Cat Box Furniture

If you want to learn how to keep cat litter from smelling and hide the litter box to keep the smell from spreading, you could make your hidden litter box furniture. These ideas will not only hide your cat’s bathroom, but they will also make your home look better:

1. Reuse Old Furniture

Turn an old cabinet or side table into a hidden litter box. Take off a door or wall to get to something quickly. This eco-friendly method hides the litter box and gives old furniture a new lease on life.

2. Covers for Litter Boxes

Many companies make furniture that can hide a litter box. These usually have holes for your cat to get in, so it’s a simple but effective option. They come in many styles, so you can find one that fits your home.

3. Unique Built Ins

Custom built-ins can be made to fit your space and style perfectly if you know how to do it or know someone who does. You can hide a litter box area that fits in with the rest of your furniture so that it’s almost impossible to see.

4. The Cat House

You can be creative by making cat houses or cabinets look like they belong in your home. They can not only hide the litter box, but they can also be used as art in your home.

5. Areas That are Not Open

The easiest and least expensive way to solve the problem is to separate the little box area with a curtain. Anyone can use this screen to hide the litter box from view, and it’s also straightforward to pull back for cleaning.

If you follow these tips and choose the suitable cat litter, you can keep your home smelling clean even if you have a cat. You and your cat can have a more excellent place to live, whether you choose traditional ways to eliminate smells or do it yourself with furniture fixes.

How to Keep Cat Box from Smelling Bad

How to Keep Cat Box from Smelling Bad

Learning to keep cat litter from smelling will help make your cat happy, as nobody wants their house to smell bad. Here are some more things you can do to keep your cat’s litter odor-free:

1. The Right Foods

Ensure your cat’s food is high quality and gives them all the necessary nutrients. This will usually lead to less smelly poop. Cats that eat many good foods tend to have less smelly waste.

2. Getting Enough Water

Always make sure your cat can get to a freshwater source. Cats that drink a lot of water tend to have less concentrated pee, making the litter box smell much better.

3. Checkups with a Vet

Your cat must visit the vet for regular checkups to stay healthy and happy. Your vet will check for and treat any health problems causing your cat’s waste to smell very strongly. Taking care of these problems immediately can eliminate smells you don’t want.

4. Multiple Litter Boxes

If you have more than one cat in your home, you should have one more litter box than cats. This not only gets rid of smells but also stops fights over territory. Each cat can have its own place to go to the bathroom, which will keep the area clean and reduce stress.

5. Potty Training

Teaching your cat the right way to use the litter box from a young age can help keep the litter box clean. You can help your cat learn where to go and keep the little box clean by giving it traits and being patient.

6. Urine Odor Neutralizers

Enzymatic cleaners are the best way to deal with mistakes outside the litter box. These cleaners work well to eliminate pee smells, so your home stays smell-free.

7. Cleaning Often

It’s essential to change the litter often in addition to scooping it every day. It depends on the type of litter you’re using and how often you should do this, so it’s best to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the best smell control.

8. Keep the Box Clean

It’s essential to clean the litter box itself. If it gets too dirty, odors can get stuck in the plastic or corners. The litter box needs to be cleaned often to stay clean and fresh.

9. Think About Getting an Automatic Litter Box

Automatic litter boxes that scoop themselves can eliminate waste quickly and effectively, keeping the litter fresh and reducing smells. But you should ensure your cat is okay with the noise and movement of these things.

Remember that each cat is different, so what works for one might not work for another. Be flexible and ready to change how you do things until you find a cat litter with the best odor control technique that helps your cat and home.


Controlling and Handling the smell of the cat litter box doesn’t have to be complicated. If you use suitable cat litter and think outside the box, you can keep your home clean and feeling nice while giving your cat a comfortable and private place to go to the bathroom.

Remember that keeping the area around the litter box clean will ensure you and your cat live in peace and without smells. After learning these tips on how to keep cat litter from smelling, you can say Goodbye to bad smells!

Now, you can enjoy your cat’s company without worrying about litter box smells.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Does My Cat’s Litter Box Smell Even Though I Clean It Daily?

There’s more to keeping your cat’s litter box smell-free than scooping it daily. Things like the cat litter you use, what your cat eats, and how often you clean the litter box are all very important. If your cat sometimes has accidents outside the litter box, you may need enzyme cleaners to eliminate the smell.

Is There a Certain Kind of Cat that Gets Rid of Smells the Best?

Many cat owners find that naturally clumping cat litter, like those made from corn wheat, works well to keep smells under control. When these letters come in contact with water, they stick together, making it easy to eliminate waste. But the best cat litter for your home may differ depending on what your cat likes and how often you clean.

How to Keep Cat Litter from Smelling? Are Automatic Litter Boxers the Right Choice or Not?

Some cat owners find it helpful to have automatic litter boxes that pick up the litter and keep it fresh. On the other hand, they can be loud, and some cats may not be able to handle the noise and movement. When choosing if an automatic litter box is worth the money, you should think about how your cat feels and what it likes.

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