Latest Brands that Test on Animals

11 Latest Brands that Test on Animals in 2024

It’s no news that many cosmetics are first tested on animals, and to prevent the same, many measures have been taken. But are you aware that there still exist many brands that test on animals in the name of product testing? These tests consist of painful and unnecessary processing that causes harm to animals like rabbits, mice, and more.

These may have filled you with curiosity about whether your favorite brand indulges in such unacceptable practices or not, and it’s essential for you to know. Carry along with us to know which companies test on animals; adding on, we’ve listed down some tips that will help you identify if your current cosmetic engages in such practices or is a wise one. Moreover, you’ll learn about cruelty-free alternatives that will help you make informed choices.

Let’s dive in and explore how you support cruelty-free products.

Brands that Test on Animals

Here is a list that highlights the brands that test on animals in 2024. But remember that company policies change from time to time, so if you’re reading this info many months or years later, cross-check the current status of the respective brand before making purchasing decisions.

1. Estee Lauder

Estee Lauder

Estee Lauder is a renowned name in cosmetics that manages many other well-known brands such as Clinique, MAC, and Bobbi Brown. Though they claim to be working hard towards cruelty-free products, some of their products are tested on animals; hence, they are among the brands that test on animals.

2. Loreal


One of the biggest cosmetic companies in the world, owning many brands, namely Maybelline, Garnier, and Lancome. They had announced to have reduced the number of animal tests, but when enquired by law, they have admitted that they are among the brands that test on animals with their main base in China.

3. Revlon


Another major cosmetic brand, Revlon, claims to work cruelty-free, but researchers have claimed that it tests some products on animals. Further, Revlon has some openings in China, which confirms that they are among the brands that test on animals.

4. Avon


Avon is popular for its outstanding cosmetics, perfumes, and skincare products. Though they claim to be working hard to reduce animal testing, it has been found they, like many other brands that test on animals, continue to incorporate such practices in bases in China.

5. Mary Kay

Mary Kay

Mary Kay is the only direct-selling cosmetic brand among the cosmetic brands that test on animals. It has been found to operate in countries where animal testing is required; this signifies that their products may be tested on animals.

6. Johnson and Johnson Canada

Johnson and Johnson Canada

A well-known cosmetic brand in the baby sector, health care, and personal care products. It is worth noting that Johnson and Johnson had been accused of indulging in animal testing practices in the past, especially for the baby care products they offer. This places them among the brands that test on animals in the industry.



NARS gained popularity in the cosmetic sector because of its cruelty-free products. However, recently, they decided to enter the Chinese, where animal testing is a must-go-through procedure for certain products. This has sparked concerns among consumers who don’t support brands that test on animals.

8. Benefit Cosmetics

Benefit Cosmetics

Benefit Cosmetics is owned by LVMH, the parent company of several brands that test on animals. This denotes that benefit uses such practices; in fact, they have agreed upon the same. Further, their existence in countries where animal testing is required by law confirms the same.

9. Amway


A world-class cosmetic company operating mainly via multi-level marketing, offering every cosmetic product, including home care products. Amway, also known as American Way, like some other brands that test on animals, has been found by law testing products on animals via suppliers and facilities.

10. Dior


Many know the brand because of its standout in the fashion industry, but it has a deep root in the cosmetic industry, too. Dior tests on animals either in their respective centers or via a third-party supplier. Further, they also sell in areas where animal testing is a must-have before introducing a new product in the market.

11. Chanel


Channel, a luxurious cosmetic brand, has often faced criticism for its animal testing policies. The fact that they are among the brands that test on animals is confirmed by Chanel selling products in countries like China, where there is a legal requirement for products to be animal tested.

Must Avoid Cosmetic Brands

Well, if you’re someone who prioritizes using cruelty-free products, it’s really crucial for you to know the brands that test on animals. So here is a list that makes you aware of the brand name and why you should avoid them.

1. CoverGirl


Though a popular brand, it holds a history of practicing animal testing. This includes testing on animals for certain products and ingredients. Avoiding products from such brands that test on animals helps promote cruelty-free products while giving them a message that these kinds of products are unacceptable.

2. Max Factor

Max Factor

Managed by Coty Incorporation, has been found to test certain products on animals through suppliers or third parties. This means the brands under Max should be avoided if you support cruelty-free products.

3. Olay


Well, olay products aren’t cruelty-free. But what’s valuable and appreciable is their efforts in supporting the Humane Society International’s cruelty-free campaign with a main focus on banning brands that test on animals in major cosmetic companies.

4. Neutrogena


One can claim Neutrogena products aren’t cruelty-free. Though they don’t test their products on animals, they have selling centers in China, where animal testing is a significant measure required by law. In fact, products like sunscreen are considered special in China, and animal testing is a crucial aspect of the same.

5. MAC Cosmetics

MAC Cosmetics

Yeah, it’s surprising we know, but the truth remains the same. MAC is among the brands that test animals for their products and hence aren’t cruelty-free in any case.

6. Tresemme


Who doesn’t know this? A big and one of the best hair care brands in the cosmetic sector. Their reputation and offerings are wide with products like shampoos, conditioners, and more, but it’s sad; like other brands that test on animals, they use animal testing before launching any product in the market.

7. Almay


Almay gained popularity because of its hypo-allergenic cosmetic offerings that focus on extra care of skin sensitivity and natural glow. Though it has a good reputation, it doesn’t have any cruelty-free certification, which suggests it practices animal testing, hence placing them among the brands that test on animals.

List of Cruelty-Free Cosmetic Brands

1. E.L.F Cosmetics

E.L.F Cosmetics

E.L.F Cosmetics is widely known for not testing any of its products on animals while offering several cosmetics, from lipsticks to foundations and more. By choosing them, you can enjoy products that don’t support animal testing. Further, they focus on transparent ingredient sourcing.

2. Too Faced

Too Faced

A cruelty-free brand that offers colorful and creative cosmetics, specializing in eyeshadows and lip products. They are known for their quality and creative products.

3. Tarte Cosmetics

Tarte Cosmetics

Tarte orders many products like foundations, eyeshadows, mascaras, and more, all of which are cruelty-free cosmetics. They are committed to using natural ingredients that provide clean beauty, and like some other brands that test on animals, they don’t engage in animal testing practices.

4. Urban Decay

Urban Decay

Widely known for its edgy and vibrant cosmetics that include eyeshadow palettes, eyeliners, and more. They are a brand that doesn’t test on animals but rather supports animal rights. Therefore, you can use their products without hesitation and compromise with your ethical values.

5. Fenty Beauty

Fenty Beauty

Fenty Beauty is cruelty-free and offers many makeup products for all skin. They are known for their high-quality formulas and wide shade ranges. Further, Fenty Beauty stands out from brands that test on animals by supporting animal welfare programs.

6. KVD Vegan Beauty

KVD Vegan Beauty

As the name suggests, KVD specializes in offering vegan and cruelty-free products, which include everything from long-lasting liquid lipstick to eyeliners. It’s a good option as you get high-quality products that aren’t made using harmful animals, which separates KVD from brands that test on animals.

7. Wet n Mild

Wet n Mild

Another amazing cosmetic brand that, from its start, focuses on providing cruelty-free products. Wet n Mild is a good option for all those who want to use animal-friendly cosmetics without breaking the bank. This is what separates it from the brands that test on animals in the industry.

How to Identify Cruelty-Free Brands?

How to Identify Cruelty-Free Brands?

Identification of cruelty-free brands, i.e., brands that don’t test animals nor indulge in any animal-harming activity, is now easy with the introduction of certification and labels. Below is a list of certificates and labels; if you find them in a brand product, it simply denotes that particular brand is cruelty-free.

  • Cruelty-free Certification: This indicates that a particular brand product has not been tested on animals. Note that a brand can’t make these certifications independently; animal welfare organizations and other related bodies provide them.
  • Vegan Certifications: Vegan certifications go beyond animal testing, covering the entire manufacturing process. This means they are a sign that a particular brand doesn’t use any ingredients or by-products that have been derived from animals.
  • Leaping Bunny and PETA’s Beauty Without Bunnies Program: These are the names of two most popular programs in the cosmetic industry that certify whether a brand or product is cruelty-free or not. This they do with the help of audits and provide logos to certified brands.
  • Independent Certifications: There are some independent organizations, for example, CCF(Choose Cruelty-Free), which provide their cruelty-free certifications. The noticeable part is these independent organizations are good for specific regions, providing options to customers seeking local cruelty-free cosmetic brands or products.

Is Animal Testing in The Cosmetic Sector Necessary?

Is Animal Testing in The Cosmetic Sector Necessary?

Cosmetic brands test animals for many reasons, but remember, the practice is controversial and has been eliminated from many parts of the world because of the laws of particular regions.

Here is a detailed explanation of why cosmetic brands use animal testing:

  • Safety: Products like shampoos, lotion, and other makeup essentials are destined to be safe for human use. Animal testing predicts any harmful effects on skin, eyes, and other body parts. Therefore, using animal testing companies ensures that products don’t cause allergies, irritation, or any other problem when people use them.
  • Ingredients Testing: Not to mention companies frequently use new ingredients to make more effective cosmetics. Before using these elements in their products, they test on animals how they interact with skin.
  • Legal Requirement: There exist countries that have mandated animal testing on certain products or all products to meet the level of required safety standards. A renowned name is China, which believes animal testing is the best way to know how safe a product is.

Alternatives to Animal Testing

Alternatives to Animal Testing

Not to mention that animal testing has been a controversial and legally offensive practice. But with the advancement of technologies, it isn’t the only option for testing; there are alternatives that not only reduce the suffering of animals but also result in good accuracy.

Let’s explore them, along with the advantages and disadvantages they bring along:

  • In Vitro Testing: In vitro, i.e., test tube testing uses human or animal cells, tissues, or organs to identify the safety and usefulness of cosmetics products. It’s a cost-effective and quicker method. The only concern is that it may not fully replicate complex biological processes in living organisms.
  • Computer Modeling and Simulation: These are high-tech methods that back up sophisticated simulations and predictions, which minimizes the need for live testing. They are cost-effective and have the capability to provide extensive data. Remember, the accuracy of this method depends on the models, which sometimes may not align with the real biological responses.
  • Human Clinical Trials: In this process, a very small dose of the trial cosmetic is given to human volunteers, which minimizes the harm and provides the required data. The procedure tends to be costly, and the application may be limited in various cases because of safety concerns.

How Do Brands Portray They Are Cruelty-Free?

There are a lot of methods, including advertising, packaging, and their online presence on different channels, via which brands usually portray that they indulge only in ethical testing practices. Here is how they do this with ease.

  • Marketing Campaigns: Brands advertise that their testing is ethical and cruelty-free. This may include TV ads, social media promotion, print media, and more. Further, they may use slogans, images, and videos to convey the same.
  • Influencers: Many brands collaborate with influencers who share their opinions and promote cruelty-free products to a wider audience. This further helps brands to elevate their reputation.
  • Transparency: Several brands make their customers aware of the testing policies and the cruelty-free procedures they use.


All in all, animal testing isn’t entertained much, and several measures have been taken to eliminate such activities. But the reality is many brands still engage in such kind of testing. Further, many regions indeed have extra legislative measures that prohibit brands from using such measures, but countries like China have laws that necessitate animal testing for certain products.

Above is the list that will tell you what brands utilize animal testing and which refrain from such testing. Hope your exploration till the end will have informed you enough of what brands to choose and refrain from for your cosmetics needs. Check and share in the comment below whether your favorite product is from the brand that tests on animals or from the one that refrains from doing so.

For any queries, feel free to contact us, and we will respond promptly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Some Brands that Test on Animals?

Many of the popular brands, namely Loreal, Procter, Gamble, and Johnson and Johnson, continue to indulge in animal testing for certain products. Remember, if you want to refrain from using such products, regularly stay updated with brand testing policies. Further, it’ll help promote ethical testing practices.

How to Identify Cruelty-Free Brands?

Knowing that all brands don’t use processes like animal testing is easy with certifications like PETA’s ‘Beauty with Bunnies or Leaping Bunny. Moreover, one can easily find it by visiting the brand’s official website or contacting them directly, ensuring you use products where no animal has been harmed.

Is Animal Testing a Real Concern?

Absolutely, animal testing is a real concern because of ethical and environmental issues that involve needless cruelty. However, it is to be noted that the cosmetic industry is advancing with the invention of alternative testing processes, which emphasizes the importance of cruelty-free products to brands.

Are There Alternatives to Animal Testing Products?

Of Course, there are many alternatives to animal-tested cosmetics. In fact, several cruelty-free brands offer cost-effective and high-quality products. The brands that don’t use animal testing are E.L.F cosmetics, Wet n Wild, and more. Choosing these brands for your cosmetic needs will help you make compassionate decisions without spending more.

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