Most Dangerous Dogs in The World to Beware Off

19 Most Dangerous Dogs in The World to Beware Off

Do you want to know about the most dangerous dogs in the world that you should never own? Dogs are known for their friendly and loving nature, but certain breeds can attack you and cause severe injury. Certain dog breeds have a greater tendency for aggressive behavior and violent outbursts, making them a danger to humans. This can be either because of the way they are bred, bad training, or they may even have a violent nature by birth.

From Siberian Huskies to American Pit Bull Terriers and Chow Chow, certain dogs can cause severe injuries and even kill you. They are violent, aggressive, muscular, and have a strong bite force. You should be aware of these dogs to stay safe from any potential danger while interacting with them.

Remember not to provoke the most dangerous dog in the world or the consequences can be fatal.

Most Dangerous Dogs in The World

Let’s take a look at the most dangerous dogs in the world that are known for their bite fatalities and violent behaviors.

1. Great Danes

Great Danes

Great Danes are massive in size and are very powerful. When a great dane stands on his hind legs, it is even taller than an average person. Due to their excellent build quality and immense power, they were used in the Middle Ages for hunting big mammals and dog fighting. Their attack can lead to serious injury and even death in the worst cases. Their bite is known to be one of the most fatal dog bites. Typically, they have a loving and gentle nature, but if they are not trained properly or sense danger, they can become very violent.

2. Doberman Pinscher


Doberman Pinscher often serves as a guard dog, which has gained the reputation of being dangerous and overly aggressive. The policemen even use it in their rescue activities. These dog breeds weigh up to 100 pounds and are 28 inches tall. They are very protective of their owner, and if they sense anything wrong, they show their ferocious personality. The biggest issue with raising them is that most owners cannot properly execute obedience training, leading to a ferocious dog that is always ready to knock over others.

3. Chow Chow

Chow Chow

Another dog breeds that you should be cautious of is Chow Chow. They can harm animals and kids because of their aggressive temperament and biting habits. When they see strangers or other animals, they start barking and even bite them at times. They do not like to socialize and hate other dogs and pets. They are guard dogs and have served as hunting animals for a long time. This natural hunting instinct provokes them to attack small animals like rabbits, cats, and dogs. You should, therefore, be very careful while taking them out on a walk.

4. Boxer


The list of the most dangerous dogs on earth won’t be complete without mentioning Boxer. They were bred for hunting and, hence, have a very violent nature. They are working and hunting dogs with up to 60-71 pounds weight and 22 to 25 inches height. Because of their muscular body and large stature, they are known to be the bodybuilders of the dog world. They can cause serious bodily harm and even death due to their fatal attack. Since these dogs are very energetic, they become destructive if they stay ideal for a long time. You need to train them from puppyhood if you want to have a safe ownership experience.

5. Caucasian Ovcharka


This Russian dog can be difficult to deal with, even if you’re an experienced owner. It is the most dangerous dog in the world and is used to guard livestock against predators like bears, wolves, and jackals. It is also used for hunting and herding because of their fearless nature and enormous size. This breed is tough and can survive bitter cold, barren and wetlands. Due to their guardian and protective instinct, they are more likely to attack strangers. This dog is not only feared by owners but also by predators like jackals and wolves. You should not even consider owning them if you have children around your house.

6. Rhodesian Ridgeback

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Rhodesian Ridgeback hails from South Africa and has a large, muscular body. It is also known as the African Lion Dog and can be deadly to other animals and humans. Because of its strong guarding instinct, it can go to any extent to protect its owner. It is so powerful that it was even used for hunting lions. It weighs around 35 – 50 kg and stands at a height of 60 – 70 cm. It can cause immense damage in the worst cases, so you should not even think of owning it if you’re an inexperienced owner or can’t meet its needs.

7. Perro de Presa Canario

Perro de Presa Canario

If there is one dog breed you must be very cautious of, it is the Perro de Presa Canario. It weighs 120 pounds and stands at a height of two and a half inches. It is a muscular dog that can be difficult to deal with because of its complex personality. It is used for guarding and farming and becomes ferocious when it encounters any danger. It has huge jaws and a strong prey drive, making it a threat to other animals and children. This dangerous fighting dog reacts to a situation aggressively and can cause serious injuries.

8. Pitbull Terrier Americano

Pitbull Terrier Americano

Pitbull Terrier Americano makes it to the top of the world’s dangerous dog list. It can attack both humans and animals without any warning. This dog breed has a brutal past as it was forced into the pit to fight powerful, large bulls while the spectators gambled on which animal would win. It was trained brutally so that it could become more dangerous and could be used for bull baiting. It is a fearless fighter and aggressively aggressive towards humans and pets. If it is not trained properly, it can show aggressive behavior and can attack anyone brutally. In many European countries, it was banned due to its violent behavior.

9. Rottweiler


Rottweiler is the most dangerous dog in the world, known for causing immense physical harm to humans. In the last eleven years, around 392 people were killed in America by a dog, and most of these deaths were caused by either a Rottweiler or a Pitbull. These dog breeds are muscular and strong and serve as police dogs or watchdogs. They need tons of mental and physical stimulation, or they can start showing their destructive traits. Male Rotties are more stubborn and dangerous than females. Without proper socialization and training, they can be dangerous and even take people’s lives.

10. Akita Inu

Akita Inu

When you see the Akita Inu for the first time, you’re bound to appreciate its beauty and impressive personality. But be mindful of this dog breed as it is one of the most dangerous dogs with an extremely powerful bite like bulldogs. This fearsome guard dog hails from Japan and is often praised for its courage and strength. They are innate hunters and can cause lots of destruction if they are not introduced well to other animals and humans. They are territorial and do not get along well with other animals. In the event of an attack, they can cause immense damage.

11. Husky


The large size and violent nature of huskies make them one of the most dangerous dogs in the world. They are very strong and like to attack smaller animals. They were bred originally to pull heavy sleds through long distances and bad weather, and hence, they like to work and need consistent physical and mental activity throughout their day to stay happy. If they feel bored, they may show their destructive side and attack kids, intruders, and other animals. Because they tend to jump around and are very playful, they may accidentally cause damage to small children. Their striking, sleek coat and piercing blue eyes can make anyone feel unsafe around them.

12. Bullmastiff


Unsocialized and untrained Bullmastiffs can be very dangerous. They are a muscular large breed of guard dogs obtained by cross-breeding mastiffs with bulldogs. Bullmastiffs are not as big as mastiffs, but they can go up to 27 inches to the shoulder. Adult Bullmastiffs weigh between 100 and 130 pounds and have enormous power. Attack by a bullmastiff can lead to serious injury and even death in the worst cases. While approaching them, you should ensure that you treat them with respect and do not provoke them, as they are very sensitive and give immediate reactions.

13. German Shepherd

German Shepherd

German Shepherd is a popular dog breed with a courageous, smart, and confident nature. Because of their immense power and athletic nature, they are often used as police, military messengers, and protection dogs. When raised poorly, they can pose a danger even to their owners. They also behave aggressively towards other animals and strangers. They were the main cause of accidental deaths between 1979 to 198 in the US. If you’re considering getting this dog breed, train it from a young age to reinforce the behavior and the qualities you want.

14. Alaskan Malamute

Alaskan Malamute

The high prey drive of Alaskan Malamute makes them acquire the top spot on the world’s dangerous dog list. This dog breed hails from North America and can only survive in cold climates. They were initially bred to put their endurance and natural strength to work and can become very aggressive around other animals. Local North American tribes used this dog breed to transport goods on a sleigh. These dogs show great possessiveness in their food and can become very aggressive if they suspect somebody is taking it away. New dog owners or those with kids should not even think of owning this dog breed.

15. Saint Bernard

Saint Bernard

Saint Bernards are giant dogs that weigh up to 120 kg and reach up to 35 inches. They have an aggressive temperament and become fierce at times because of unknown reasons. Initially, they were bred for rescue operations because of their immense strength. Since they need lots of attention and care, you should only consider owning them if you have ample time. They are not easy to train and are quite stubborn. They do not follow instructions easily and behave unexpectedly at times. When they get scared or sense any danger, they can have dangerous outbursts and harm everyone around them.

16. Boerboel


This South African working dog is very stubborn and picks up things slowly. It is muscular and has an excellent build quality. They were created by introducing native African breeds to other mastiffs and English breeds. Their average size is about two feet, and their weight is about 176 pounds. They have a mixed temperament, meaning they can be very happy at times and ferocious in certain events. They are fierce guard dogs with an overprotective instinct. They react aggressively if they do not feel happy.

17. Tosa Inu

Tosa Inu

Tosa Inu is a very powerful and dangerous breed. It may have certain genetic problems that could make it unstable and ferocious when agitated or provoked. Therefore, you should discuss the specifics of this dog with a skilled professional before deciding whether or not it is safe for you and your family. This breed has been banned in various countries because of its bad reputation and hostile actions.

18. Kangal


The natural protective instincts of Kangal dogs make them very dangerous. They hail from Turkey and were used originally to guard livestock against predators such as wolves and bears. With their powerful stature and muscular build, Kangal dogs can do anything to defend their loved ones. You should approach these dogs respectfully and cautiously, as their protective nature can turn into aggression if not properly addressed.

19. Kuvasz


Another dog breed that you need to be wary of is Kuvasz. They are very beautiful and charming but have a ferocious personality. These dogs do not bond well with other animals and humans and like to live alone. They are also hard to train as they do not pick up instructions easily and find it difficult to follow commands. When these dogs see intruders, they become overprotective and may bite them.

Breed, Average Weight, Lifespan, Characteristics


Average Weight



Great Danes

100 and 200 pounds

8-to-10 years

Vigilance, attachment, sensitivity, patience and loyalty

Doberman Pinscher

75 to 100 pounds

10 and 13 years

Aggressive, dominant, strong instincts

Chow Chow

55-71 pounds

12-15 years

Independent, smart, aloof


50 to 70 pounds

10 to 12 years

Intelligent, affectionate, loyal, alert

Caucasian Ovcharka

45–70 kg

10-12 years

Strong, muscled, powerful, athletic

Rhodesian Ridgeback

80-90 lbs

10 to 13 years

Athletic, responsible, above-average tractability

Perro de Presa Canario

100-140 pounds

9 to 11 Years

Protective, loyal, strong, muscular

Pitbull Terrier Americano

30 to 90 pounds

10-15 years

Loyal, courageous, affectionate


70 to120 pounds

8-10 years

Courageous, confident, protective, aggressive

Akita Inu

99.2 – 132.3 lbs

10 to13 years

Dignified, handsome, calm


20-27 kg

12 to 15 years

Great endurance, stubborn, independent


36.7 – 43.9 pounds

7 to 9 years

Easy-going, well-behaved, confident

German Shepherd

65-90 pounds

7 to 10 years

Protective, companionable, affectionate

Alaskan Malamute

70 LBS – 94 LBS

10 to 12 years

Strong, affectionate, playful

Saint Bernard

120–140 pounds

8 to 10 years

Powerful, heavy, energetic


50 to 65 lb

10 to12 years

Giant, smart, affectionate

Tosa Inu

36 and 61 kilograms

10 to 12 years

Powerful, massive, violent


110 to 150 lbs

12-15 years

Powerful, large, stubborn


100 to 115 pounds

10-12 years

Protective, notorious, affectionate

Why are Some Dog Breeds More Aggressive and Likely to Attack?

Why are Some Dog Breeds More Aggressive and Likely to Attack?

Some dog breeds are more aggressive and likely to attack because they might feel insecure or unloved. At times, the environment in which they live or how their owner treats them is not good, leading to ferocious behavior. Certain dogs are energetic and need lots of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy. If they don’t get to indulge in physical activity or playtime, they may become destructive.

Some dog breeds were also bred as hunting animals for years, so they have acquired violent traits.

1. Factors Contributing to Dog Aggression


  • Some medical conditions can make your dog aggressive. If your dog has never shown aggressive behavior and suddenly begins snapping, growling, or biting, it may be due to an illness or disease.
  • Pain can also cause aggressiveness in your dog. Some of the common causes of pain include internal injuries, arthritis, bone fractures, lacerations, and various tumors.
  • A fearful dog can also become violent and behave unexpectedly. Most dogs exhibit aggressive behavior if they sense danger and cannot escape.
  • Possession aggression is also common when your dog is possessive of something like food or toys. A dog exhibiting possession aggression may growl or bark loudly if someone gets too close to his favorite toy or approaches his food bowl.
  • A dog also shows aggressive behavior when it’s frustrated. This type of aggression can be seen in dogs that spend lots of time restrained on a leash, tied up, or behind a chain-link fence.
  • Your dog may also exhibit aggressive behavior if they sense any danger. Some dogs exhibit aggressive behavior to show their dominance over the other dogs.

2. What Dog Bites the Hardest?

What Dog Bites the Hardest?

Kangal dogs are known for their superior bite force. With a 743 PSI measurement, their jaws are very strong and can tear apart your flesh quickly. Bandog Mastiff also has a strong bite force of around 730 PSI.


You must be aware of the most dangerous dogs in the world and approach them with proper care and safety. There are many dangerous dog breeds in the world that have caused immense damage to humans and pets. They are known for their aggressive nature and muscular build quality.

A few of these dogs are so powerful that they can even kill wolves and lions. Even if you’re an experienced dog owner, you should not own these dogs before getting them trained. If you have children or other pets in your house, it’s better not to opt for these dogs.

You can check out the list of the most ferocious dogs mentioned above to ensure you stay safe whenever you approach them.

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