Most Eaten Meat in The World

Most Eaten Meat in The World

There is so much we can put on our plates to eat. What salad or what meat type you want to eat sometimes becomes tough because of so many options available to us. If we are specific about the carnivorous diet, there are so many types of meat you can choose from.

Being rich in protein, nutrients, and vitamins, meat is an integral food in the diets of people all over the world. The best meat for a person will depend on his preference and nutritional requirements. As meat is a component of so many dishes, there is a concern that over-consumption of meat leads to a change in the balance of the ecosystem.

In this blog, let us know what is the most eaten meat in the world.

An Introduction: Most Consumed Meats

The consumption rate of meat has always been high and is increasing significantly. If we talk statistically, the US meat consumption alone is 124 kilos per year.

For Australia, Argentina, and New Zealand, it is 122, 109, 101, and 100 kilos per year for a single person. The most consumed meats worldwide are chicken, pork, turkey, beef, goat meat, camel meat, quail, and venison.

Top Consumed Meats in The World

Meat consumption is an important part of diets among different eating habits worldwide. A difference in diversity and culture makes meat consumption in many different ways.

Here is a list of meat types that are consumed the most across the globe:

1. Pork


If meat has to be nutritious and delicious simultaneously, pork is the meat we are dealing with here. Pork is the meat of domesticated pigs, one of the most eaten meats in the world. The popularity of this meat type is because of different reasons. Pigs are easy to raise with cheaper investment, and they grow faster than other animals. In the last few years, China has been among the top pork consumers.

Pork is a common part of diets in most Asian and European countries. As per an estimated report, pork consumption will be 129.3 million metric tons by the year 2032. Pork is a great food choice because, like all meat types, it is rich in proteins and vitamins. If we solely talk of proteins in pork, it is a reservoir of all 9 essential amino acids our body needs.

2. Chicken


Another most eaten meat in the world is chicken. Its mild and versatile taste is savored by people all over the world. The top countries that consume chicken are Australia, Argentina, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Israel. By the year 2032, the expected chicken consumption is expected to reach a value of 156.24 metric kilotons.

Chicken consumption has increased significantly because of its extensive addition to different snacking items. Chicken is a great source of protein. It is a better meat option than other meat types like beef and pork because of its lower content of fats and calories. Apart from being a healthier option for meats, it is also more affordable than other meat types.

3. Beef


Beef, the meat of cattle (cow, ox, or buffalo), is another most eaten meat worldwide. The global beef consumption is approximately 66 million tons annually, continuously increasing. Beef is consumed in many ways, including steak, brisket, or roasted pot.

Like other meat types, beef is also a nutrient-rich meal. It is a great source of proteins, vitamins (like vitamins B12, D, and K2), minerals (like zinc and iron), and amino acids. It is a variety of red meat, so its consumption should be limited. Over-consumption of red meat has been associated with health problems like diabetes, heart problems, etc.

4. Lamb Meat

Lamb Meat

Lamb meat is another of the most consumed meat in the world. It is the meat of young sheep between 0-1 years old. The Mediterranean cultures (like North Africa, Greece, Turkey, etc.) have lamb meat as a regular staple. It is also included commonly in the diets of people from countries like Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, and Pakistan. Among different countries, lamb meat is consumed the most in Greece (around 27.11 lbs per person).

The global lamb consumption till 2026 is expected to reach a value of 17.52 metric kilotons. Like all meat types, lamb meat is rich in nutrients and high-quality proteins, but its nutritional composition is good for skin health.

5. Turkey


The history of turkey in human civilization starts in ancient Mexico, where turkeys were domesticated in 800 BCE. The domestication involved the use of turkeys for their feathers. The Native Americans (around 1100 AD) added turkey meat to their plates.

Currently, the top countries consuming Turkey meat are the USA (15.3 lbs per capita) and Israel (28 lbs per capita). Without the skin, it is a low-fat, high-protein, and vitamin-rich meal. Because of low fat, salt, and sodium, turkey meat is a healthier option than chicken. In the western culture, Turkey is very popular for Thanksgiving dinners.

6. Duck Meat

Duck Meat

Duck meat is one of the most eaten meat worldwide. Duck breeds like Pekin, Moulard, or Muscovy ducks are considered the perfect choices for duck meat. Because duck meat has lower cholesterol and sodium and high vitamin, iron, and copper composition, it is again a slightly better option than chicken.

The reason why duck meat is savored is because of its juice and flavorful texture. In 2021, China alone produced 4,823,000 tonnes of duck meat. Like the highest-producing country, China is one of the top countries to consume the most duck meat. On average, around 3 million ducks are slaughtered annually to fulfill the global duck meat demand.

7. Goat/Sheep Meat

Goat:Sheep Meat

Goat and sheep meat is another most eaten meat in the world—many countries like China, Mongolia, Australia, and Turkey. Because the meat is lean and low in fats (including saturated fats), it is another healthier meat alternative. Goat and sheep meat is generally cheaper because it is easier to raise with low maintenance. African, Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, and Asian countries are some of the countries that consume goat or sheep meat.

8. Bison Meat

Bison Meat

Bison meat, in simpler terms, buffalo meat, is popular for its lean meat and nutritional quality. Compared to beef, bison meat is leaner and has lower fat and cholesterol. So, if you are concerned about your consumption of fats and cholesterol, it is wiser to replace beef with bison meat. Bison meat, another most eaten meat in the world, has a rich flavor but can be a bit more expensive than other meat alternatives.

Hong Kong, Australia, Argentina, and the United States are a few countries that are the top consumers of bison meat. The interesting fact here is that India is the country with the largest number of buffaloes, but its bison meat consumption is significantly lower. This is because, in India, buffaloes are mainly used for milking.

9. Horse Meat

Horse Meat

Although consuming horse meat is not supported in many countries, it still is the most eaten meat in the world. While horse meat was consumed long ago, it was used as a staple in World War 2 to overcome food scarcity. It is another great replacement for beef because of its low fat and higher protein content.

There are many countries with legal issues regarding the consumption of horse meat. One of the top consumers of horse meat is China, where there are no regulations for meat consumption in the presence of a legal market for meat selling. Some other countries consuming horse meats are Japan, Russia, etc. A lot of European and Asian countries enjoy the delicacy of horse meat.

10. Venison


Mostly venison refers to the meat of deer, but people often term the hunted animals used for meat as venison. The word venison comes from the Latin “venari”, meaning to hunt or pursue. Venison has higher moisture, with low calories and fat content, so it is a healthier option than pork, beef, or lamb meat. The lower fat content often requires additional fat for properly cooking this meat type. If you are health conscious, one more reason you must add it to your plate is because venison is one of the leanest meats.

11. Rabbit Meat

Rabbit Meat

A lot of countries, including Asian and European countries, use rabbit meat commonly in their diets. Rabbit meat, other than being the most eaten meat in the world, is also very nutritious and healthy. It is a great choice of meat if you are looking for a lean meat type with low calories and high protein content.

Rabbit meat is eaten in several ways, including roasted, grilled, or as a stew. China, Spain, and Italy are a few countries where it is a common meat found in various dishes. While these are the most consumed meat in the world, camel meat, horse meat, and quail are popular choices if you explore more options. Apart from this, we can not ignore seafood as we discuss the most eaten meat in the world.

The estimated global value of the seafood market was 310.75 billion (USD), which is expected to be 730 million US dollars at the end of 2030. As people are more conscious of their diet and food choices, they opt for a combination of a vegetarian diet with added seafood.

The Best Meat in the World

Beef, chicken, pork, etc., are the most popular meat types worldwide. There is no ideal way to determine which one is the best meat. Nutrients, juiciness, quality, and a person’s individual choices make a meat type the best among so many options.

Each meat type will have its unique characteristics and flavors. The American Black Angus, The Spanish Galician Blonde, Argentinian beef, and Japanese Kobe are some great options for beef. If we specifically talk about chicken, breeds like Bresse, Red Broiler, and Jersey Giant are delicious and popular.

Global Meat Consumption: Which Countries Eat The Most Meat?

Excessive meat consumption is a threat to the environment indirectly. A lot of studies and research suggest that meat consumption is relatively higher in richer countries, like the West countries. If we solely consider the UK, for fulfilling the meat consumption demands, there is a slaughter of 10 million pigs, 14.5 million sheep or lambs, and 2.6 million cattle. Adding the statistics of other meat types, around 950 million birds and 80 million fish are consumed.

As per the statistics of 2023, the top countries consuming meat are Hong Kong, the United States, Australia, Mongolia, Argentina, Nauru, Macau, Spain, Israel, and Brazil. If we consider the global meat consumption from 1990 to 2006, there has been a 60 percent increase.

Meat Production: Sustainable Ways to Produce Meat

Meat Production Sustainable Ways to Produce Meat

Meat added to our staples gives us delicious dishes to eat. With a continuously growing human population, the over-consumption of meat will be a great problem. Over-consumption of meat on an individual level is responsible for many health conditions. But the troubles are not limited to it. Production of meat is a great concern as well.

Suppose we ignore the ethics and concepts of animal welfare. In that case, there are other reasons why meat consumption can be a great threat. Meat consumption is not sustainable because the production of livestock and meat sources takes 77% of the land while only fulfilling 17% of caloric demand globally.

Apart from sustainability, the consumption of livestock is badly affecting the environment as well. It is a loss of biodiversity and disturbs the food systems of the ecosystems. In addition, meat production for human consumption leads to a greater emission of greenhouse gases.

Because it is so much more than just the satisfaction of delightful meat food options, it is necessary to produce meat for human consumption sustainably. With this, let us know more about sustainable meat production.

What is Sustainable Meat Production?

What is Sustainable Meat Production?

Food sustainability refers to doing minimal harm to the environment, with no damage and waste of natural resources. If we start defining meat sustainability, no defined statement tells what exactly the production of meat sustainably. The idea of sustainable meat production is to efficiently produce meat for consumption with the least natural damage or impact on the environment.

The methods of sustainable meat production include holistic grazing of cattle, water recycling programs, minimal use of chemicals (like pesticides and insecticides), organic farming, and effect meats (like chicken in replacement of lamb).

Eating Meat Sustainably

  • Production of meat using sustainable ways is only effective if consumed effectively by us. Here is how you can make consuming meat sustainable.
  • Try to eat less meat. The idea here is not completely to eliminate meat from your diet but to limit its consumption. You can do this either by skipping it for most of the day or eating fewer portions of meals that use meat.
  • Shop from stores or farms with approved labels. In addition, get yourself acquainted with labels used by producers producing the meat using sustainable methods.

Producing Meat without Slaughtering Animals

Consumption of meat has always been a sacrifice of an animal. But can we produce meat for the global human population without slaughtering animals? The answer is yes! We can do so by producing meat in a laboratory environment, enjoying flavorful meals, and no animal gets harmed.

The two companies that have attained FDA approval for their production and selling of cultivated meat are Good Meat and Upside Foods. The meat production in the laboratory includes using animal cells as starter cultures and providing the ideal conditions for it to grow. The conditions required by starter cells to become cultured meat will include growth hormones and other nutrients.

The Future of Meat Production

The Future of Meat Production

In 2023, poultry was the most consumed meat in the world, with a total consumption of 132.3 million tons. The demand for different meat types is only increasing. Does this mean that in the coming future, with the current rate of exploitation of nature with unsustainable ways of food production, there will be no meat available to eat?

The answer to this question is no. The technology, as we call it, a bane, has a great potential to switch unsustainable ways of producing meat to sustainability. One such example of technology is the cell-cultured production of different meat types, including beef, chicken, etc. A few companies working on this innovation are currently waiting for approval, while some of them (which have the approval now) are already serving the delicacy of meat to their customers.

The concept behind bringing meats to the plates with cultured cells is the production of cells instead of growing the whole organism. Depending on what cells are taken, it is possible that different types of meat like chicken, beef, pork, or duck meat can be made available to the human population without causing any disturbance to the natural ecosystems. This will help in reducing the slaughter of animals.

With the right cells and growth conditions (including the growth hormones required), the cells can be grown as a hamburger or a steak (which the companies are not producing yet). While cultured meat has been recognized, plant-based alternatives for meat diets are another great way for holistic food sustainability.

Summing Up

All in all, after exploring different cultures, a love for meat is common in most cultures. There is a great variety of meats available that we can add to our diet. If we ask what is the most eaten meat in the world, there is no definitive answer. But the most consumed meat worldwide includes beef, chicken, pork, and turkey.

Meat is undoubtedly delicious, but the over-consumption of meat is challenging for nature. The ethics-related consumption of meat is one other concern. As the global population is increasing, the requirement for meat is increasing as well. This gives us a chance to redefine our diets and sustainably consume meat.

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