This graph tracks the percentage of cases where the humane caregiver or owner was the alleged abuser, and was compiled based on 9,738 total cases involving 324,108 animals.

Animals where owner was alleged abuser: 324,108 (144,076 died, 180,032 survived)
Animals where owner was not alleged abuser*: 26,844 (12,242 died, 14,602 survived)


* There may be instances where the animal's owner or caregiver is the abuser, however that information was unavailable at the time. (For example, in open cases where the owner of the abused animal was never identified.) For this reason, it is reasonable to assume that the actual percentage of cases where the animal's abuser was their own caregiver could be slightly higher.

** We do not offer these statistics prior to the years available in the drop down menu because Pet-Abuse.Com did not start tracking this data until 2006, and any data for previous years would be incomplete and potentially misleading. As we continue to audit old cases and update them to reflect newer data fields, we will make previous years available.