Resources for Humane Educators

If you are a humane educator and you are looking for videos, interactive presentations or activities geared at teens and children, the videos listed here may be just what you're looking for.


HSUS: New Music Video Aimed at Stopping Teen Violence Towards Animals
Styled in the form of a rap music video, a black and white 30-second spot shows an angry young man with sounds of adults fighting in the background. The tension builds and he turns to his dog, fist raised. But he suddenly chooses to embrace his dog, and break the violence connection. The meaning is clear: This is much more than a music video. It's a public service announcement with a sobering message.

ASPCA: Pet Check Downloadable Videos
These are downloadable videos, many geared towards children. If you will not have internet access furing your presentation, you can right-click on the video file link, and go to "Save Target As" to save the files to your hard drive to play offline.

ASPCA: Beyond Violence: The Human-Animal Connection Package
Research has shown that animal abuse is closely associated with domestic violence and child abuse, and that children who abuse animals often grow up to engage in a variety of adult criminal behaviors. Beyond Violence, a video from Psychologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals carefully examines this relationship. Spanish version available. Grade 9 to adult. Duration: 13 minutes

ASPCA: A New Friend for Life
This video offers young viewers fundamental information about what to consider before welcoming a new pet into the family. A New Friend for Life includes segments on what to consider before adopting a companion animal, how to introduce a pet to a new home, how to keep your new friend safe, clean and healthy, and why spaying or neutering one's pet is so important. Grades K-4. Duration: 17 minutes.

ASPCA: Patterns of Abuse - Exploding the Cycle
All living beings deserve respect. This video explores the nature of violence against animals including the link between animal abuse and human cruelty and its effect on society. Patterns of Abuse also explains how to identify the danger signs of an abuser and covers intervention strategies that can help break the cycle of violence. Grade 9 to adult. Duration: 20 minutes.

ASPCA: Dogs, Cats & Kids
This video features renowned pet behavior expert Wayne Hunthausen, DVM, and is for children in K-3. Kids learn how to read cat and dog body language, how to handle and play appropriately with pets and what to do if a stray animal approaches. Recommended by Parents' Choice.� Grades K-3. Duration: 30 minutes.

ASPCA: Dogs, Cats, & Big Kids
Created for older children in grades 4 to 8, this video features pet expert Joanne Carlson, DVM, and covers the same essential information and adds new content appropriate to older ages. Kids learn how to read cat and dog body language, how to handle and play appropriately with pets and what to do if a stray animal approaches. Grades 4-8. Duration: 20 minutes.

ASPCA: Protecting the Web
Using the metaphor of a spider's web, this video helps youngsters understand that all living things are part of the Earth's ecosystem and that the choices we make in everyday life can help or hurt other living creatures. Educators will find this film invaluable for teaching repect for animals and the environment, especially with upper elementary and middle school students. Grade 4-6. Duration: 14 minutes.

ASPCA: Throwaways
The video Throwaways and its Spanish-language equivalent, Rechazados, explore many of the common misconceptions about spaying or neutering pets and outline simple steps we can take to end the pet overpopulation problem. Rechazados was created to appeal to a Spanish-speaking audience. Grade 6-adult Duration: 18 Minutes.

Latham Foundation: Various Videos
The Latham Foundation features a broad range of videos covering many topics, including spay/neuter, animals as therapy, dog bite prevention, and animal behavior and training. Many of these videos are suitable for 8th grade to adult.

Share the World: Free Video and Activity Plans
Free educational program designed to help your elementary school students develop respect and compassion for all living beings.

Anti-Cruelty Society: Animaland
Includes pet care guides, humane education, games and cartoons, an advice column and more - all geared at kids and young adults.

Activities and Handouts

ASPCA: Animaland - Activities
Activity sheets, word searches and more.

DDAF: Comics for Compassion
Comic books are one of the most dynamic and engaging mediums for children and adolescents. The humane example set by superheroes in the Comics for Compassion series teaches children the importance of treating all living beings with compassion, respect and, of course, justice.

NAHEE: Elementary School Materials
A large collection of CDs, activities, books and games for elementary school children.

NAHEE:Middle & High School Materials
A large collection of CDs, activities, books and games for middle and high school children.

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