Linking to Us

There are lots of ways to link to Pet-Abuse.Com and help us spread the word about animal abuse!

Banners and Widgets

Also be sure to check out some of the other ways you can link to us using dynamic banners and flash widgets to display case headlines on your website or mySpace page.

Help Us Help Them - ChipIn!

If you've got a website or mySpace profile and want to help, add this flash widget to your profile to give your friends an easy way to donate using PayPal and fight animal cruelty. This special widget will automatically update with new donation totals, so everyone can see how their contribution makes a difference in helping us reach our goals. Click here to learn how contributions to Pet-Abuse.Com help animals across the nation.

Get the code here:

Friend Us on MySpace

If you're a MySpace user, be sure to add us to your friends list! Our MySpace profile is at

Text links

Please be sure to spell the organization's name correctly when you link: Pet-Abuse.Com

To create a link, you may copy and paste the following code:

<a href="" target="_new">Pet-Abuse.Com</a>

Additional Notes

Please do not link directly to the images on our website. If you wish to use a case image or statistical graph, we ask that you download the image to your computer and then upload them to your own website. This is especially important for the statistical graphs, since they query the database every time they are accessed. If you are referencing a specific case, please consider providing a link back to the case file on our site so that your website users will be able to view any additional updates and/or case images that may be posted.

If you're linking to us, send us an e-mail and let us know! This is not mandatory by any means, but we are always interested in seeing how others are linking to us - and it gives us the opportunity to make contact with like-minded organizations.

Likewise, if you have referenced Pet-Abuse.Com, our cases or our statistical graphs in your school paper, periodical or publication, please drop us a line and if possible, send us a copy.

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