For Shelters
This section is dedicated to helping shelters get started with their own community education programs, and helping the shelters that already have programs make them even better! Some of the resources here have been created/reviewed by us here at Pet-Abuse.Com, but there are also many very helpful resources already online, so we're trying to make sure you know about them too!
We'll be working on making print-friendly PDF flyers of some of our articles, that way you can download and use them in your own shelter or organization. An example is the Adoption Myths article that we have for download here. Also be sure to check out the Start a Program page - it has links to some wonderful flyers that are free to download and distribute!
Use the Media!
If you're trying to reach the general public, remember that the media can be your friend. Have staff or volunteers write up press-releases whenever something exciting is happening at your organization! Send these press releases to as many media sources as you can. Remember, before sending out your press release, be SURE to double and triple check your press release for grammatical and typographical errors! If you're not sure how to write a good press release, see Dr. Randall Hansen's Guide to Writing Successful Press Releases for some great pointers!
Additionally, there are some online resources which will publish your press releases free of charge where they will be viewed and sometimes spread across additional media sources. One example is a site called PRWeb, which allows you to register with their site and submit free press releases.