How Many People Are Killed by Cows in An Year

The Reality: How Many People Are Killed by Cows in An Year

Cows are considered decent and humble animals but can still be dangerous unexpectedly, sometimes leading to fatalities. However, the number of fatalities caused by cows in the United States each year is relatively low compared to other causes of death. Thus, the main question remains: how many people are killed by cows each year?

Understanding and addressing this issue is important to ensure the safety of individuals working with or around these animals. They do not look deadly but can hurt you like one. While they don’t have a poisoned bite or can kick in the ribs, they can easily crush you with their heavy body, which can cause serious damage to your body.

In this article, you get a detailed understanding of the killings of humans by cows. Tune in to find out some interesting facts and figures about people getting killed by cows!

Top Most Spine-Tingling Statistics

Top Most Spine-Tingling Statistics

There are some spine-tingling stats about these seemingly placid animals when they have caused unexpected danger. Below is the list of 9 cases of people killed by cows.

  • The average number of cases of people killed by cows is almost 20 to 22 in the US.
  • Five cases have been registered where multiple cows kill people.
  • In the UK, the number reached is 8 annually where people were killed by accident involving cattle.
  • In the US, from 2015 to 2016 and 2019 to 2020, the cases turned to 142, where cows injured people.
  • On the other hand, sharks killed 5 people in a year compared to cows.
  • Cows kill people either by kicking or trampling, according to the stats.
  • Female cows are also responsible for killing 6 people in a year.
  • Annually, bulls kill 10 to 22 people.
  • In the UK, 2015 recorded several cases of cows killing humans, and they officially declared cows the most dangerous large animal.

These were some stats surrounding fatal cow incidents. This reminds us that these seemingly gentle animals can threaten people’s lives.

How Many People Are Killed by Cows Each Year

Cows have killed several people each year in the United States. Moreover, the stats may be higher in the rest of the world. These animals look pretty cool and decent, but their kicks can cause fatal harm to the people and kids in their contact.

There may be cases that might not be registered, and the data might be left, and the answer to the question of how many people are killed by cows each year might not be too accurate. However, cows are considered the deadliest animals in the US.

In 5 years, from 2003-2008, around 20 to 22 people were killed by cows, as published by CDC. However, the common cause of death in people was the sudden force to their chest, mainly because of the kicks or when the cow trampled someone. Both situations are brutal, and the chances of surviving are quite low.

However, it is observed that most of the victims of cow attacks were farmworkers who were brutally injured. Such incident takes place at the time of their work, or their interactions with cows during the farm works. Mainly, these people were attacked by cows and rammed to the ground or thrashed with horns. Moreover, if we see how many people are killed by cows each year, then the numbers are quite low. On the other hand, it is observed that 10 to 21 attacks were by bulls. This is natural because bulls are more aggressive, indicating a more natural tendency to be violent.

On the contrary, out of 22 attacks that resulted in death, only one was caused by a cow. However, it is noted that the six deaths were reported where cows caused it. This happened because the cows became anxious after people entered their pastures.

How Many People Are Killed by Cows Each Year

There were some cases reported where a cow mob attacked people brutally. Cows may group and storm toward the person when they feel pressured or threatened. This may rupture the person’s ribs and cause him to roll over the ground. These cattle attacks can be brutal as the person’s ribs, lungs, and head can be damaged severely. Rarely can people survive such attacks.

In the UK, 27 people were killed because of cattle attacks. Also, they lack equipment or safety standards. However, such cases are quite common because the number may be even higher due to poor reporting of such cow attack incidents. Some reports suggest that cows are the most dangerous large animal in the UK. However, the reports were not from a government; an independent agricultural body released the reports.

Moreover, from 2000-2025, around 74 people died because of the cow’s attack, while 70% of these deaths were because of bulls. However, some people still believe that cows are quite patient and sweet, but if they are kept in a situation where they feel some threat, then they show their demon side as well.

Shocking Cases of Fatal Cow Attacks

It might surprise many that cows, under certain circumstances, can pose a significant threat to human safety. However, such incidents are relatively rare. However, there can be some circumstances associated with deaths by cow attacks, which can answer the question of how many people are killed by cows each year. This can also help in improving safety measures and minimizing risks.

1. Territorial Instincts and Protective Behavior

Cows, especially those with calves, can display a territorial instinct and protective behavior towards their kid or space. When they see or feel a threat to their young one or territory, they may become aggressive and charge at the intruders.

This behavior can change intensity and pose a real danger to individuals within the cow’s control. This is the nature of any living being to protect themselves or their young ones from a threat they can feel.

2. Calving Season and Hormonal Changes

During calving season, cows undergo significant hormonal changes and experience increased stress. Hormonal fluctuations can lead to altered behavior, making cows more irritable and prone to aggression.

Farmers and individuals interacting with cows during this period should exercise caution and implement appropriate safety measures. This practice will improve their safety and the cow’s hormonal changing period.

3. Mistreatment or Provocation

Mistreatment or Intentional Provocation of cows can trigger aggressive behavior. Harassment, excessive noise, or acts of cruelty can cause distress and fear in cows, prompting them to retaliate aggressively. Treating animals with kindness and respect is essential to maintaining a safe environment for both humans and cows.

Animals and humans are part of this ecosystem; thus, you should respect animals to maintain balance and environmental safety. Mistreatment or Provocation will always lead to brutal altercations, damaging one’s life. Animals will tend to damage your body and might take your life in such a situation.

4. Herd Dynamics and Peer Influence

Cows are social animals that operate within a herd dynamic. If one cow within the herd becomes agitated or aggressive, it can influence the entire group’s behavior.

They mainly stay in groups, and if any one of them is affected, it is most likely the entire group will be affected. This “mob mentality” can result in a collective charge, putting individuals at a higher risk of injury or death.

5. Lack of Proper Handling and Training

Improper handling or inadequate training of cows can contribute to dangerous situations. Cows require appropriate handling techniques, particularly in crowded areas, to minimize stress and prevent potential aggressive behavior. Lack of proper handling and training can cause a sense of nuisance in the herd, eventually resulting in fatal injuries to the cows and the humans around them.

Thus, farmers with knowledge and several years of experience can significantly reduce the risk of cow-related incidents. Thus, proper handling and training are highly important when caring for cows.

6. Health Issues and Pain

Health problems or underlying pain can make cows more temperamental and reactive. Chronic conditions or injuries might cause discomfort, leading to excessive sensitivity and increased aggression. Regular health check-ups and prompt medical attention are crucial in maintaining the well-being of the animals and reducing potential risks.

7. Environment Conditions

The environment in which cows are kept can also influence their behavior. Overcrowded or confined spaces can cause stress and discomfort, escalating aggressive behavior. Thus, providing cows with adequate space, appropriate facilities, and a comfortable living environment is necessary. This will help reduce potential risks and help cows have a happy mind to stay in the particular space.

Do Cows Attack People?

Cows are usually understood as calm and sweet creatures. However, they have a potential risk and threat to human safety under certain circumstances. Over five years, from 2015 to 2020, the health and safety Executive in the US investigated 142 cow attack-related incidents, shedding light on the severity of this issue.

The Stats Related to the Cases of Cow Attack

The Stats Related to the Cases of Cow Attack

Most of these 142 cases involved farm workers and animal health specialists. They were attacked while conducting their daily tasks. Shockingly, four individuals from the general public lost their lives due to cow attacks during this period. These tragic fatalities often occurred when people ventured into pastures, where bulls were kept, or cows had recently calved and were particularly aggressive.

Moreover, the HSE reported 65 cow attacks resulting in severe injuries, though fortunately non-fatal. Victims suffered injuries such as trampling, kicking, and thrashing, leaving them physically and emotionally scarred.

The psychological trauma of being pursued by a determined cow is an experience that will likely haunt these individuals for the rest of their lives.

The Intentions of Cow Attacks

One of the most concerning aspects of these incidents is the deliberate nature of many cow attacks. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a surprising 75% of the cow attacks investigated had a clear intent to harm the victims.

From 2003 to 2008, 16 out of 23 reported fatalities due to cows purposefully striking their victims. Secondary incidents involving victims being crushed against gates or stationary objects also contributed to fatalities.

The Scenario in the UK

The issue of cow attacks is not confined to the United States alone. In the United Kingdom, farm workers bear the brunt of cow attacks due to the nature of their profession.

However, what’s particularly alarming is that pedestrians, the average person walking through the countryside, accounted for a quarter (24%) of the attacks in the UK. This emphasizes that the danger is not limited to those working directly with cows.

Before knowing how many people are killed by cows each year, it is important to understand the triggers of cow aggression, such as stress, territorial instincts, and intentional aggression. This will help you to understand them better and even help you to have the right safety measures.

How to Avoid Cow Attacks

Understanding the risks of working with cattle or facing them in rural areas is crucial for ensuring personal safety and avoiding fatal injuries. Here are essential tips to help individuals protect themselves and avoid cow-related injuries.

1. Safety Measures for Farm Workers

Working closely with cattle requires a responsible and cautious approach to minimize the risk of surprise attacks to ensure the farm’s safety and their workers’ safety.

  • Never overcrowd enclosed spaces with more cattle than can be handled effectively. Properly rope the cattle, even calves, to maintain control and reduce the likelihood of unpredictable behavior.
  • Assign one worker as a lookout to warn if a cow or bull appears aggressive. You can also utilize cattle dogs and a rider on horseback with a bullwhip to distract and redirect attention, creating a safer worker environment.
  • You should avoid cruel factory farming practices that can agitate cattle. Provide sufficient space for cattle to move freely, reducing stress levels and potential aggression.
  • Never enter a cow pen alone, regardless of the cattle present. Always have at least one colleague with you for added safety.
  • Ensure that only informed and physically capable individuals work with cattle. Children or those unfamiliar with cattle behavior should not be involved to prevent accidents.

2. Safety Tips to Avoid Cow Attacks in Rural Areas

For individuals in rural areas or casual strollers, taking precautions to prevent cow-related incidents is equally important:

  • Keep a safe distance from gates and cattle pastures, avoiding proximity to these areas. Respect the animals and prioritize personal safety over photo opportunities.
  • Refrain from teasing cattle through fences or provoking them by shouting. If cattle approach you, stay calm, avoid sudden movements, and give them space.
  • Avoid taking shortcuts through agricultural land if you are uncertain about the presence of loose cows. Exercise caution, particularly when a cow is with her calf, as they can be protective and potentially aggressive.
  • If a cow charges or shows aggressive behavior, maintain a level head and move away calmly. Running may provoke the cow further, so only run if the cow is already charging.

Who is the Most Deadliest: Cows or Sharks

Who is the Most Deadliest: Cows or Sharks

The answer may leave you staggered or surprised. This is because while finding the answer to how many people are killed by cows each year, we have seen the comparison between the cows and the sharks. Surprisingly, cows cause more fatal human injuries annually than sharks. While shark attacks often receive widespread media attention and instill a fear of the ocean, statistics show that cows pose a greater risk.

Cow-related incidents, such as surprise attacks in farms or rural areas, can result in injuries or fatalities. It is important to highlight that cows and sharks play integral roles in our world. Understanding the risks associated with each is essential for promoting safety and responsible interaction.


Cows are always the sweet and innocent animals that provide us with milk. However, a hidden demon inside these animals emerges when they feel threatened. Moreover, we have mentioned related to the question of how many people are killed by cows each year.

Since you know the numbers related to cow attacks, you can focus on safety measures by promoting respectful interaction and maintaining caution. This will help you coexist in this ecosystem peacefully. If you treat animals right, then they will treat you right.

Public education on avoiding risky situations, respecting cow territories, and adopting safe practices can go a long way in reducing cow attacks and ensuring the safety of both humans and animals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Cows Bite?

Cows, in general, do not tend to bite humans. Their mouths and teeth are primarily adapted for grazing and chewing grass, hay, and other vegetation. Unlike carnivorous animals, cows have flat molars meant for grinding plant material.

However, in rare instances, cows might nip, especially if they feel threatened or frightened or mistake a human hand for food. This uncommon behavior usually occurs when the cow is stressed, in pain, or improperly handled.

How Can Awareness of Cow Behavior Enhance Safety?

Being aware of cow behavior and recognizing signs of potential aggression can help individuals react appropriately, maintain safe distances, and avoid risky situations. Awareness enables people to anticipate and respond to cow-related incidents effectively.

What Precautions Can the General Public Take to Stay Safe Around Cows?

To stay safe around cows, the general public should maintain a safe distance, avoid teasing or shouting at cattle, and exercise caution in rural areas. Additionally, respecting cattle’s space and reacting calmly if approached by a cow are crucial safety measures.

How Can Farm Workers Protect Themselves from Cow Attacks?

Farm workers can enhance their safety by avoiding overcrowding cattle, roping them for control, having a lookout, and promoting ethical farming practices. Additionally, they should avoid entering cow pens alone and prioritize proper training and awareness of cow behavior.

How Many Cows Are Slaughtered or Killed in a Year?

Millions of cows are slaughtered annually for meat consumption, making beef one of the most widely consumed meats worldwide. You see, cows kill around 22 people a year; on the other hand, people kill approximately 36 million cows yearly.

The exact number can be challenging to pinpoint due to differences in agricultural practices, cultural preferences, and regional consumption patterns. The beef industry significantly contributes to this number, raising cattle for meat production.

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